INCREASING VISIBILITY NeighborWorks ® Branding. STUDIES SHOW… NEIGHBORWORKS ® MEANS Trustworthy Effective Caring Reliable Visionary.


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Presentation transcript:

INCREASING VISIBILITY NeighborWorks ® Branding

STUDIES SHOW… NEIGHBORWORKS ® MEANS Trustworthy Effective Caring Reliable Visionary

NEIGHBORWORKS ® HAS A GREAT REPUTATION Action-oriented Produces tangible, measurable results and impact Broader than housing…also about community development Partners to get the job done Inclusive of all audiences – supporters, partners, customers

NEIGHBORWORKS ® ORGANIZATION LEADERS ASKED US TO: Capture the attention of corporate, government, and foundation leaders Provide greater access to resources Make sure NeighborWorks ® organizations get credit for the work they do.

RECOGNITION FULFILLS MISSIONS You do the work to meet real needs Raising awareness for clients and partners More clients served More support to continue the work




KCRW / NPR KCRW: Local, independent Personality NPR: National affiliation and complement NATIONAL SCOPE


BENEFITS Broaden funding base Develop strategic collaborations Serve more customers, better Visibility Resources


INCREASE VISIBILITY WITH ONE WORD, ONE PICTURE: Stationary Business cards Website home page Newsletter – printed & electronic Signage at headquarters Annual report Informational brochures

NEIGHBORWORKS ® AMERICA – NATIONAL EFFORTS Aligned name Media efforts Unified look Partner interest Visibility champions NeighborWorks ® dba Brand protection

Support & technical assistance Brand champions Locally focused strategies and implementation NEIGHBORWORKS ® AMERICA - DISTRICT EFFORTS

NEIGHBORWORKS ® ORGANIZATION EFFORTS Start now – strengthen local identity and include NeighborWorks ® Link to and participate in national programs and events Become a household name locally


WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? For a NeighborWorks ® organization: Feedback shows greater local awareness Increased ability to attract resources, partners, customers More visible connection to a national organization Differentiated from competitors Recognized as “A-List” nonprofit – certified, trained, supported

WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? For NeighborWorks ® America: Increased ability to connect resources for the network More support for training and initiatives Research shows greater awareness of NeighborWorks ® Branding is an integrated way of doing business

NEIGHBORWORKS ® HAS PROVEN RESULTS 26 Years of service 240+ Chartered members 4000 Communities Millions of private-sector partnership dollars provided in community development loans $9 Billion investment 500,000 Families purchased / improved homes or secured safe, affordable rentals