The Ravens Program is an alternative education program that will provide First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) students at Espanola High School with opportunities for growth and achievement.
WHO ARE INVITED TO BECOME RAVENS? Ravens are FNMI students at EHS who, for whatever reason, have not earned the credits they need to stay on track to graduate but who the school would like to see earn theirhigh school diploma.
The program combines aboriginal culture and issues studies and art alongside more traditional curriculum such as English, media arts, communications technology and physical education.
Unlike other high school classes, Ravens students attend all of their classes TOGETHER: 3 with Mr. Stewart and 1 with another teacher, helping to foster a level of comfort and sense of “team” not often seen in regular classrooms.
As a Raven, you will be working towards your own academic goals. For example, you might be working on a 1P English credit while the Raven next to you is working on grade 11 Comm Tech credit.
Those Ravens who are caught up on the work assigned by Mr. Stewart are invited to be a RAVENS+, working on Credit Recovery courses. Last year, we had students who earned 3 credits with Mr. Stewart, 1 with Ms. Lacasse and an additional 2 in Credit Recovery: 6 CREDITS in one semester!
And, because we are together all day, we are able to jump from topic to topic, invite special guests and, at the spur of a moment, change topics and pursue other things YOU want to learn!
Yesterdays mistakes will ONLY follow you here if you BRING THEM! RAVENS IS A FRESH START, A DO-OVER, A SECOND CHANCE, A GAME RESPAWN, A CTL Z…
WHAT MAKES A GOOD RAVEN? Someone who realizes this is a great chance to get caught up; an incredible opportunity for an early second-chance
WHAT MAKES A GOOD RAVEN? Someone who thinks we need to celebrate First Nations culture in our school and community.
WHAT MAKES A GOOD RAVEN? Someone who will show up, do the work and be a part of a team.
WHAT MAKES A GOOD RAVEN? Someone willing to try new things, to be open minded and to communicate their hopes, dreams, aspirations, issues and concerns.
WHAT MAKES A GOOD RAVEN? Someone who can work WITH Mr. Stewart, Chop, Christine, Guidance, Credit Recovery, Mr. Punkari and Ms James to get you back on track.
PERIOD 1 with Mr. Stewart Enjoy some breakfast, a book, check your , do homework, chat with your classmates and then transition into our English course. GOAL: Earn a Grade 9, 10 or 11 ENGLISH Credit, depending on what you need.
PERIOD 2 with Mr. Stewart After the break, we’ll move onto our Aboriginal Studies and Aborignal Art course. GOAL: Earn a Grade 9 or 10 Visual Art credit OR an Aborignal Issues/Aboriginal Culture (social studies) credit, depending on what you need.
PERIOD 3 with Mr. Stewart After lunch, we’ll transition into our media course where we will work on animation, graphic design, filmmaking, audio production and photography. GOAL: Earn a Media Arts (ART) OR Communication Technology credit (TECH) credit.
PERIOD 4 with _____________ At the end of the day, students will get some exercise, play games and be active. GOAL: Earn a Phys. Ed. Credit.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAM in 2013! Students will get to explore the kitchen at EHS and learn how to cook! Though we will be exploring many cultural dishes, we will also be learning basic food preparation skills.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAM! The 2013 brood of Ravens will continue the work of last year’s crew and finish off the cafeteria mural.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAM! G10 is our home base, the Raven’s Nest, and we can paint it, decorate it and make it our home! Three computers Smartboard and Data Camera TV. Got a video game system? Bring it in! Access to all of Spartan Youth Radios filmmaking and sound equipment
The Ravens Program isn’t right for every student. If you are interested in exploring more about First Nations, Metis and Inuit culture, are wanting to try a different way of learning, want to get caught up and earn missed credits and are interested in working on the skills and interests you already have, consider accepting our Invitation to join The Ravens Program.