History : 52-year-old male presented with a left testicular mass. An initial chest radiograph was performed, followed by a CT. Question : What are the key findings on the CXR? Case of the Month 4 October 2015 Authors: S M Mak, SJ Copley
Case of the Month 4
What is your diagnosis ?
Bibasal reticulonodular pattern Volume loss Case of the Month 4
Bilateral lower lobe distribution of Reticulation Volume loss Ground- glass opacities Honeycombing (minor) With subpleural sparing
Case of the Month 4 The patient had several biopsies of his right lung.
Case of the Month 4 Histology of the lung parenchyma showed: Abnormal architecture with widening of the alveolar septa, mild chronic inflammatory infiltrate and fibrosis. Foci of fibroblastic proliferation, pneumocyte hyperplasia and bronchiolization. No well-formed or poorly formed granulomata.
Case of the Month 4 Diagnosis What is your diagnosis ?
Case of the Month 4 Diagnosis Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonitis
Case of the Month 4 Discussion Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonitis (NSIP) is characterised by spatially and temporally uniform interstitial inflammation with varying degrees of fibrosis. It typically affects patients aged years old, without gender predilection. Patients present with increasing dyspnoea. Many cases are idiopathic, although there is a high association with collagen vascular disease. Other causes include drugs and occupational exposure.
Case of the Month 4 Discussion It is important to distinguish NSIP from UIP or HP, (Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis) due to the differences in prognosis and treatment. NSIP has a better prognosis than UIP. (Only a small subset of patients will progress to end-stage fibrosis.) Diagnosis can be difficult even with biopsy. There are often overlapping clinical, imaging and pathological features. A multidisciplinary approach is often necessary for diagnosis.
Case of the Month 4 Discussion CHEST RADIOGRAPHY Bilateral lower zone reticulonodular pattern Volume loss HIGH-RESOLUTION CT Symmetrical lower lobe distribution Reticular pattern Ground-glass opacification Lower lobe volume loss Traction bronchiectasis Minor honeycombing
Case of the Month 4 Further Reading NON-SPECIFIC INTERSTITIAL PNEUMONITIS 1) Travis et al. An Official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement: Update of the International Multidisciplinary Classification of the Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 733–748, Sep 15, ) Kilgerman et al. Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia: Radiologic, Clinical, and Pathologic Considerations. RadioGraphics 2009; 29:73–87 3) Mueller-Mang et al. What Every Radiologist Should Know about Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias. Radiographics 2007; 27:595– 615 4) Hansell et al. Fleischner Society: Glossary of Terms for Thoracic Imaging. Radiology: Volume 246: Number 3—March 2008