1/5/2016 Why was the church so powerful in Europe? What were two problems the church started to encounter?
Newfound trade to Europe caused Towns to start growing overnight But Manor Lords did not like people making their own money Towns soon started to revolt for their own basic rights
1. Freedom: anyone who lived in a town for a year and a day became free 2. Exemption: Townspeople did not have to work for Manor Lord 3. Town Justice: Towns had their own courts 4. Commercial Privileges: Townspeople could sell goods freely and toll outsiders
Guilds: Associations for merchants/workers Merchants: Had sole right to trade in town Took care of fellow guild members Workers: Each craft had their own guild; sewing/shoes Set rules for wages/hours, working conditions Trained upcoming workers
Merchants/Workers became the middle class They favored Kings because… They could provide stable government Protect trade, business, and property Kings looked to middle class for followers which led to power among the middle class
Towns-2,000 Cities(London/Paris)-40,000 to 150,000 Serfs got to improve life in towns and make money Cities located in small locations so they started to build up which led to really unsanitary conditions… Ex: waste dumped in streets
1347 – Black Death or the Plague Spread along busy trade routes by black rats who had fleas that bit people – Happened rapidly and caused about 25 million people to die (1/3 of pop.) As a result: Faith in God and Church weakened Workers wanted higher wages
Latin – written and spoken language of educated people Vernacular Languages: everyday speech that varied from place to place Ex; French, Italian, Spanish, English, German Few people received an education Teachers and students united to form guilds Universitas: association of people
Scholasticism: an attempt to bring together faith and reason Raised many questions about church’s teachings Few advances made in science: Better winches and pulleys Iron plows and oxen yokes Windmills and waterwheels
Church architecture was main art form Used arches, domes, vaults, and little windows Gothic: named after barbarian Goths, was a new form of architecture Had tall spires, pointed arches, stained glass Changed church life into a type of fair or market Mostly built in France, England, Germany