Identify and discuss techniques for selecting good site coordinators Discuss techniques to train site coordinators Discuss methods to use the site coordinator to garner support from the command
Volunteer Ambition and enthusiasm Time to devote to drive preparation Linked to leadership Ability to communicate
Talk to leadership about surveying their organization Interview the candidate › Remember you cannot be too picky › The more attributes they have the better Suggest official appointment
Who can come to the drive Where does the blood go How much do we need Goal Setting Common deferrals
Drive date considerations › Personnel availability › Site availability Put drive on training schedule Advertising – Posters, flyers, , POD, media Site Coordinator web site
Recruit leaders Extra coordinators – 1 per 25 donors Have them bring a friend Deferred donors can bring others Promote ownership and responsibility for giving blood Get commitment - appointment
Large enough to allow for goal › 400 sq. ft. minimum for 25 donors › 10 sq. ft. per extra donor At least 3 electrical outlets Good lighting Easy access & parking for team vehicles Centrally located to donors
Ensure senior leadership understand program and need Suggest an incentive – time off or exempt from PT the next day Have them talk to the organization Instill competition