Quick description of my replicable project My replicable project is a short guidebook, to help new coordinators in getting ready for an afterschool program and all it commands.
Find out about any paperwork needed before you get to the program Examples CORI Forms Medical Information Reference Information
Homework Time Flexibility (A picture of a flexible afterschool schedule) Extra-Curricular Activities Computer Activities
Going to schools Colleges Community Centers Flyers Volunteer Site People are attracted to pictures, so if you do this, try to include pictures
- This will help to keep you on the same page with the site coordinator - Have a plan for the week, month - Go over kids progress
Keep a computer tracking system My example Number each computer A chart with the computer activities on it Sign-in sheet
I have left some activities on the computer folder for this year program
Be prepared to learn a lot, about yourself, and how you work with staff and children This can also help the site director How is this a replicable project? Well it is a project that assists in getting a jumpstart on the afterschool program, that anyone can use. It is helpful to see what I went through and how by learning about how things can go in your program, what you can do to prepare for it.