Performance – a question of control or freedom?
Purpose Explore the concept of performance leadership to enable high performance in organisations Share the BGS journey Have a conversation Provoke your thinking
The BGS challenge Successful But not growing as much as Board and investors want 2007 expectations Our heritage Our approach
Performance management “a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance” Armstrong and Baron (2004) Managing performance: performance management in action. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Performance management – an alternative view
Building A High Performing Organisation INDIVIDUAL High Performance Behaviours Attitudes Skills Experience Freedom ORGANISATION Consistency Systems Structures Processes Leadership BALANCE Accountability INTEGRAL PERFORMANCE Individuals engaged and committed to organisational goals
Push and Pull approach to leadership Tells Sells Consults PULL Democrat Test PUSH Autocrat Co-create
Leadership the BGS way Setting direction, providing a sense of purpose Inspiring others to achieve Trusting our people to get on with it Let them surprise you with the results “As for the best leaders, people do not notice their existence. The next best, people honour and praise, The next the people fear. But when the best leaders work is done the people say, we did it ourselves.” Lao Tse, 604 B.C.
Individual accountability StimulusResponse CHOICE
Table discussions What are the beliefs that people in your organisations have about their level of personal accountability, and what are the implications for performance management/leadership? How can we, as HR and L&D professionals, ensure balance between the needs of individuals to have accountability and the needs of the organisation to perform?
Summary Being a higher performing organisation Staying true to our vision and values Engagement through releasing potential Leadership not management