Joint UNECE/OECD Work Session on Statistical Dissemination and Communication February 2005, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom REPUTATION MANAGEMENT AND TARGET AUDIENCES prepared by Andrey Maslyanenko and Natalia Pashintseva Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (ROSSTAT)
Message from the Secretary-General of the OECD to World Forum on Key Indicators “Everyone agrees that reliable knowledge of the reality of markets, of economic and social developments, etc. is absolutely critical for the success of a government policy, a political strategy and even an individual enterprise… policy-makers require a great deal of knowledge much of this being reliable statistics in order to make sound policy decisions” Federal State Statistics Service
Good reputation and trust in statistics are closely connected with its quality Quality may be expressed in terms of integrity integrity accuracy accuracy reliability reliability timeliness timeliness accessibility accessibility comparability comparability relevance of statistical data to the needs of users relevance of statistical data to the needs of users Federal State Statistics Service
TARGET AUDIENCES Government and other state power bodies International organizations Mass media Libraries Universities, R&D, higher education institutions Business circles, consulting and insurance companies, banks, etc. General public Federal State Statistics Service
GOVERNMENTAL BODIES GOVERNMENTAL BODIES Requirements: comprehensive, reliable and trustworthy information Role of the ROSSTAT Methodological Council Role of the ROSSTAT Methodological Council Federal State Statistics Service Government trusts ROSSTAT ROSSTAT position and estimates are independent of outside influence
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The cooperation with international organizations and national statistical offices is considered by ROSSTAT as one of priority directions of its activity ROSSTAT replies to questionnaires of more than twenty international organizations including UN Secretariat, OECD, EUROSTAT, UN ECE, ILO, the World bank, IMF, etc. Federal State Statistics Service
MASS MEDIA Most important audience reliability reliability accessibility accessibility openness openness Mass media often reflects the interest of general public Federal State Statistics Service
MASS MEDIA Role of regional offices of ROSSTAT Press and Internet conferences are important The necessity to improve contacts of our communicators with mass media and allow journalists to learn statistics better Federal State Statistics Service
LIBRARIES There are more than 450 libraries among our subscribers strict schedule of publications to be issued strict schedule of publications to be issued regular supply of publications regular supply of publications quality of printing and image of publications quality of printing and image of publications design of the cover and use of the logo to ensure a publication is easily recognized design of the cover and use of the logo to ensure a publication is easily recognized Hard copies or electronic versions ? Hard copies or electronic versions ? Federal State Statistics Service
R&D INSTITUTES, UNIVERSITIES, EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS professors, teachers, students, post graduates, libraries, etc. R&D institutes and scientific groups of universities and higher education establishments Federal State Statistics Service
BUSINESS CIRCLES usually data are needed almost tomorrow usually data are needed almost tomorrow as a rule data should be presented by sub-sectors and in detailed nomenclature as a rule data should be presented by sub-sectors and in detailed nomenclature time series are to be for a long periods time series are to be for a long periods data usually required by regions or by selected cities data usually required by regions or by selected cities Federal State Statistics Service
BUSINESS CIRCLES Main problems data availability at the federal and regional levels data availability at the federal and regional levels specific nomenclature specific nomenclature the timeliness often is a main problem the timeliness often is a main problem Federal State Statistics Service
BUSINESS CIRCLES R eputation is to be supported and managed both by patience and accuracy in relation with permanent clients and those who asked a question for the first time Federal State Statistics Service
GENEGAL PUBLIC Increasing role of statistical information Everyone needs reliable knowledge of the reality of goods, labour and capital markets Most citizens do not know much about the ROSSTAT activity but are interested in various social and economic phenomena Internet technology gives general public possibilities to learn more Federal State Statistics Service
GENEGAL PUBLIC Number of Internet users in Russia has been increased twice for two years ( ) Number of Internet users in Russia has been increased twice for two years ( ) More than 17 mln.users More than 17 mln.users 15 % of population % of population 18+ Federal State Statistics Service
CONCLUSION Reputation and the trust in statistics may be ensured presenting people more knowledge on statistics Reputation and the trust in statistics may be ensured presenting people more knowledge on statistics The reputation of NSO depends on the general public opinion which learn statistics mainly from newspapers, radio and TV, i.e. from journalists The reputation of NSO depends on the general public opinion which learn statistics mainly from newspapers, radio and TV, i.e. from journalists Therefore close and permanent contacts should be Therefore close and permanent contacts should be established with journalists The active professional position of statisticians in explaining statistical information general public is necessary to ensure the good reputation of NSO The active professional position of statisticians in explaining statistical information general public is necessary to ensure the good reputation of NSO Federal State Statistics Service
Thank you for your attention