Time Management I will continue to plan out my weekly schedule to make sure I set aside time for my studies, time for my family and friends, and time for myself. I will continue to use a Google calendar to keep track of upcoming events that fall outside of my normal weekly schedule.
Personal Mission Statement To develop and cultivate the minds and hearts of my students so that they may become well-rounded adults who make positive contributions to the world.
Values Life-long learning Concern for the Earth and those who inhabit it I hope to transfer my values into constructive change in the world and to …
Leadership I am an ISTJ, which means I am: Honest and direct Very responsible Strong-willed Calm and practical Stubborn, insensitive, and judgmental As an ISTJ leader, I do well keeping things on track, but am often insensitive to how those decisions may affect others.
Career Math Teacher Starting income in Mpls: $42,000 Education Req: Math degree + teaching license Must student teach and have experience in schools U of M College of Education and Human Development hosts informational sessions and teacher job fairs
Education Plan U of M – B.A. in Mathematics 4-year degree B.A. through College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Must meet CLA education requirements U of M – M.Ed. in Mathematics Education 5 th year after B.A. to earn teaching license 4 more classes to complete Master’s degree Total Cost: $131,520
Budget $
Budget cont. At a starting salary of $42,000, that’s $3,500 per month. With taxes taken out that’s approximately (3500)(0.7) = $2,450 per month. Monthly costs are about $4, between me and my wife, so about $2, per person per month. This leaves me with about $15.87 per month left over from my income to go into savings or use on monthly entertainment!
What I Learned I have learned… I liked most… I have grown as a result of… I am more prepared for life after high school because…