16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita1 About mSUGO with Extra Vogon Dimensions in a Cubic Hyperspace in d=42 spontaneously broken by Boredons TexPoint fonts used in EMF: AAAAA A A A A A Stefano Di Vita Summer Students Sessions Talk
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita2 Slide number Zero Hello! I’m Stèfano (not Stefàno, the accent goes on the ‘e’!!) I’m a wanna-be theorist, I’m a Summer student, I’m studying SUperSYmmetry CERN And I’m having a great time! DO YOU EXPECT ME TO TALK ABOUT THAT? NO!
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita3 Between the static quark model and QCD: basic facts about THE PARTON MODEL (A theorist hanging CERN) TexPoint fonts used in EMF: AAAAA A A STEFANO DI VITA (Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre)
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita4 Schedule “Drive out” the quarks from their hadronic “nest” Scare you all with some formulae Spot some of the properties of partons Prove that theoretical physics can be enormously boring… especially at 9.15 in the morning! That’s why I always wake up at 11!!
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita5 DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING (1) Kinematics 1960s SLAC-MIT experiments Note the elastic limit Q, v are INDEPENDENT!! Define the useful quantity
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita6 DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING (2) e-He analogy: spotting the CONSTITUENTS 1 x 0,20,4 Elastic e-He X=1 Elastic e-p X=0.25 INELASTIC e-He Around x=0.25 If inelastic scattering is due to INCOHERENT ELASTIC SCATTERING from the N=4 constituents (nucleons) Then the inelastic peak should be at After Hofstadter ( 1956)
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita7 After Hofstadter ( 1956) DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING (2) e-He analogy: POINTLIKE constituents 1 x 0,10,20,4 REDUCED Elastic e-p X=0.25 UNAFFECTED INELASTIC e- He Around x=0.25 REDUCED Elastic e-He X=1 Suppressed by a factor 6- 7 This behaviour is called SCALING and reveals the existence of POINTLIKE CONSTITUENTS of the target
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita8 DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING (4) electrons scattering on a proton Elastic peak Resonances Broad continuum (quasi- elastic constituent scattering) AT HIGHER Q 2 the cross section SCALES, indicating scattering from POINTLIKE CONSTITUENTS! Are they Gell-Mann’s quarks? After Bartel et al. ( 1968)
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita9 Some UNAVOIDABLE Formulae: Structure Functions If the inelastic scattering is due to ELASTIC scattering from the constituents (mass m)
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita10 Bjorken Scaling Hypothesis In the DIS regime fixed It MEANS that the photon scatters against something POINTLIKE: It’s GOOD because you can EXPERIMENTALLY TEST it!!! Summarizing, we can formulate the scaling hypothesis: IT WORKS!! After Miller et al.( 1972)After Friedman and Kendall ( 1972) Bjorken
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita11 The Parton Model (1) LET PARTONS BE!! Pointlike particles Different kinds (different quarks?) Carry a fraction x of the proton momentum P Have a mass roughly a fraction x of the proton mass M The scaling variable R.P. Feynman
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita12 The Parton Model (2): DIS at the parton level Hypotheses: The proton is made up of POINTLIKE PARTONS Inelastic scattering is a SUPERPOSITION of ELASTIC scattering e-parton Sum over parton types Parton charge Cross section “structure” for parton i Integral over momentum fractions Parton Density Function (Prob. of having a fraction x) Redefine the GLOBAL proton structure functions + “bonus” Callan-Gross relation
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita13 pairs have OPPOSITE quantum numbers The Parton Model (3) implications: e.g. SEA QUARKS PARTONS HAVE SPIN ½ (related to the Callan-Gross relation) THE QUARKS!! A proton (uud) remains a proton even if it contains an ARBITRARY NUMBER OF SEA QUARKS A PROTON Only the NET BALANCE matters!!
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita14 I’m having CERN DIS (ep>eX) evidences SCALING behaviour Scaling is due to the existence of POINTLIKE CONSTITUENTS of p (partons) Inelastic scattering is due to the INCOHERENT SUPERPOSITION of elastic scattering on partons Parton model doesn’t forbid the presence of SEA QUARKS What did I tell you?
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita15 The end… Thanks to You all! I can’t believe you’ve been listening (?) to my delirium The Summer Student Staff! You have arranged everything for us in such a brilliant way My supervisors G. Altarelli and M. Seymour! I swear I’ll go back to my SUSY book after this talk All my friends here! Thanx for the great time I’m having this summer… I owe you all another party : ) Myself! Thanx for reminding me I want to be a physicst
16/08/06 CERN Students SessionsStefano Di Vita16 What is missing? This is just the beginning. In fact: I didn’t explain why quarks have SPIN ½ I didn’t mention neither neutrino-nucleon nor electron neutron DIS, so I couldn’t tell you that experiments support the hypotheses that I didn’t tell you about the valence/sea quarks ratio I didn’t tell you that there are VIOLATIONS to Bjorken scaling (see QCD!) Quarks have FRACTIONARY charge the existence of GLUONS