Copyright: Self-Check Jeopardy LS5043: Information and Communication Technologies Check your understanding before you take A.2.1 Copyright Test.


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Presentation transcript:

Copyright: Self-Check Jeopardy LS5043: Information and Communication Technologies Check your understanding before you take A.2.1 Copyright Test.

LS5043 Copyright Jeopardy The Law Public Domain Fair Use MultimediaInternet

The Law 100 What are the six rights of a copyright holder?

The Law 100 Reproduction, adaptation, distribution, public performance, public display, and digital transmission of sound recordings Game Board

The Law 200 Can librarians translate material into another language without asking permission from the copyright holder? Why or why not?

The Law 200 No, a translation is a derivative work or adaptation. Copyrighted works cannot be translated without seeking permission from the copyright holder. Game Board

The Law 300 Do librarians need to get students’ (younger than 18) parents’ permission in order to display the students’ work at the local public library?

The Law 300 Yes, permission is needed if the work is displayed outside of the school. Game Board

The Law 400 If a work was published in 1990, does not have a copyright indication (©), and does not name the creator, it is in the public domain. True or false and why.

The Law 400 Since 1989, a copyright holder does not need a © symbol nor does she/he have to register the work with the U.S. Copyright Office in order to own a life-plus-70-years copyright. Game Board

The Public Domain 100 Name some of the ways creative works enter into the public domain.

The Public Domain 100 U.S. federal government employees’ work (speeches, booklets, Web sites), copyright has expired (published before 1/2/1923), copyright not renewed, authors designate in public domain Game Board

The Public Domain 200 What should you do to ensure that original works are in the public domain?

The Public Domain 200 You should search the Copyright Office database for the “original” work. Note: If you have the creator’s contact information it is easier simply to ask! Game Board

The Public Domain 300 How can you help library patrons find creative works in the public domain?

The Public Domain 300 You can point them to government documents, Creative Commons materials, copyright-free materials, and some royalty-free materials (depending on the license) Game Board

The Public Domain 400 Name the four types of Creative Commons licenses.

The Public Domain 400 Attribution (must cite original author), Share Alike (legal to distribute derivative works), Noncommercial (for noncommercial purposes), No Derivative Works (verbatim original work only) Game Board

Fair Use100 What are the four factors that shall be considered when determining fair use?

Fair Use Purpose and character of the use; 2. Nature of the copyrighted work; 3. Amount (portion of use); 4. Effect on market or value of the work Game Board

Fair Use 200 Fair use is the “right” of educators. Why is this statement true or false?

Fair Use 200 Fair use is not a right; it is “a defense applied in court to a charge of infringement.” Game Board

Fair Use 300 Using the encyclopedia as an example, explain to a student the difference between factual and creative content.

Fair Use 300 The facts used in an encyclopedia article cannot be copyrighted. Facts do not “belong” to anyone. The way the author of the article expressed the facts is copyrighted. Game Board

Fair Use 400 When librarians make single copies for a patron’s use, they are responsible for how the patron uses the work.

Fair Use 400 No, the librarian does not need to know how the work will be used by the patron. However, if the patron says she/he is using for it for non-personal, non-study purposes, then the librarian must not provide the copy. Game Board

Multimedia 100 Describe the different considerations for copyrighted images used in a PowerPoint presentation (for educational purposes) shown in a face-to-face situation and a PowerPoint uploaded to VoiceThread and distributed on the free Web.

Multimedia 100 Use in an instructional face-to-face situation is covered under “Fair Use Guidelines for Multimedia.” Fair use does not cover Web distribution. Web 2.0 product producers should only use original or copyright-free images in their products. Game Board

Multimedia 200 State the quantity limits for each under Fair Use Guidelines: motion media, text, music, illustrations, and numerical data sets.

Multimedia 200 Motion media – up to 10% or 3 minutes Text – Up to 10% or 1,000 words Music – Up to 10% but not more than 30 seconds Illustrations – No more than five from a single artist – or 10% or 15 images from single work Numerical data sets – Up to 10% or 2,500 fields/cells Game Board

Multimedia 300 If you use copyrighted material in a face-to- face presentation, what kind of disclaimer should be used and how long can you retain the presentation?

Multimedia 300 “This presentation contains copyrighted material used under the educational fair use exception to U.S. Copyright law. Further use is prohibited.” You can retain the presentation for two years. Game Board

Multimedia 400 Multimedia producers should include two types of attribution for copyright- protected materials used in multimedia presentations. Describe them.

Multimedia 400 Producers should include a brief attribution on the page with the work (image, video, audio clip…) AND include a complete citation in the references for the presentation. Game Board

Internet 100 You find a Web page bibliography of resources that fits instruction taught by a library patron. 1. You link the bibliography to your library Web site. 2. You copy and paste the bibliography into your “own” Web page. Which is legal and why?.

Internet 100 Linking is legal if the source of the material is clear (no frames used) and the creator does not object (asking permission is advised). The bibliography is the copyrighted material of its creator. By copying, pasting, and distributing it, you have infringed on the creator’s copyright. Game Board

Internet 200 A faculty member or teacher in the community does a dramatic reading of a five-page scene from a 200-page novel. She wants to record it and put it on her class blog. What advice would you give the educator?

Internet 200 She could be liable for copyright infringement unless she adds commentary or some other curriculum connection to her reading. Recommend that she only upload her reading to a password protected space. Game Board

Internet 300 You are helping draft your library’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). You suggest it includes information about copyright violations, but the committee does not follow your suggestion. What is the impact?

Internet 300 The legal impact is minimal because copyright is a federal law. However, it is wise to put such statements in the AUP to clarify information ethics issues for library patrons. Game Board

Internet 400 You and your LS5043 partner are co-developing a database evaluation project using a wiki. Dr. M. asks to link your wiki URL to the course wiki as an exemplary example. Your partner says “no.” What happens next?

Internet 400 Nothing… The copyright to the content of a wiki page is jointly “owned” by all of the contributors. If one person refuses to allow the work to be linked, then the work cannot be linked. Game Board