ADOBES Presentation By: Alyssa Doyle
What are Adobes? Adobes were houses for an Indian Tribe.
What Indians Live in Adobes? Pueblo Indians live in Adobes. The picture below is of real Pueblo Indians.
Pueblo Indians Pueblo Indians live in the Southwest American Indian region which includes Arizona, New Mexico, the southern portion of Colorado, and northern Mexico. Pueblo Indians are an example of Division of Labor. The picture below is Pueblo Indians working by their Adobe
Adobes Adobes can be big for a whole family or small to sleep very few. If the adobe had multiple stories, ladders were used inside the adobe to reach the upper levels. The picture below is a big Adobe to sleep a whole family.
Adobe In Progress Adobes are made from mud and straw. Once the mixture is made it is stomped and sundried. When you make an Adobe you take wood to put it in the form of the Adobe then take adobe (mud and straw) and cover it up.