Happy Birthday Go Techy to Go Big
First you need some sort of Image capture software Windows has it built in Mac has it built in
I use Jing Jingproject.com (free download)
Go to your targets Facebook page and select Photos (you should be “friends on FB with all your past clients and partners)
“Jing” or “Snip” 4 or 5 photos (be careful not to select unflattering photos)
Make a folder and save your “captures” so they are easy to find
Go to Youtube.com and click the Upload option
Select edit from the right hand options
Create a New Project
Name your new project
Switch from video to images
Add photos to the project
Drag and drop the photos to the time line
Adjust how long each picture stays
Pan and Zoom is a cool option
Add a special message
Close and add the next image
Once you have added all of your images and special message add audio
Go to your Video Manager
Click it to watch
Copy the URL address in the address bar
Go back to your targets Facebook page and post a Happy Birthday message
Paste the URL from YouTube and wait for it to pop in the video, then delete the URL address