By Hana Ahmed 7H1
Plucked: When a string is flicked with a thumb, finger or small piece of plastic. Struck: Within the piano when a key is pressed, a felt covered hammer hits one of the strings producing a sound. Bowed: This technique is when a string is rubbed over and played using a bow. Resonator: s trings are almost always joined onto this. It is a hollow structure usually made of wood or metal that amplifies sound waves from vibrating strings. Lyre: This is the oldest type of stringed instrument which was popular with the ancient Greeks. Bow: A strong flexible stick with horse hair stretched onto it. The hair is rubbed with resin that produces friction onto the strings
Percussion: An instrument designed to make unique noises when hit with a stick or hands Rhythm: Percussion instruments are in charge of this. Drums support the musical piece and keeps the time. Membranophones: These have a stretched membrane over a hollow shell. Idiophones: These don’t have a membrane and is made itself to vibrate. Mallet: This causes the instrument to vibrate and make noise. Drum kit: this includes : bass drum, snare drum, toms and cymbals. Pitch: Timpani is a percussion instrument that has this. Each is tuned to a different note.
Woodwinds: These instruments are not all made of wood but require wind to make a noise. Mouthpiece: To make music, air is blown into the instrument through this also a reed. These types of Instruments wouldn’t be able to be played without this. Reed: If the woodwind instruments has this it is often made of bamboo. It is vibrating the air produced inside the Instrument blown through the mouthpiece, that makes the sound. Edge-blown: Flutes and recorders are these types of Instruments. Air is blown over an edge. Single-reed: Instruments such as clarinets and saxaphones. They have a single-reed in their mouthpiece. It vibrates to get air inside the instrument moving. Double-reed: The oboe uses this and produces even more vibration. All woodwind instruments have a series of notes running down its length. Playing these instruments are harder than it looks.
Wind instrument: Any instrument you play by blowing through it. Purse: To play a brass instrument, lips have to be pursed to create a buzzing noise. Vibrate: Lips do this. Hold lips together tightly to make a high pitch. Relax lips to make a low pitched buzz. Pitch: The longer the tube, the lower the pitch. Also depends the tubes width. Brass: Instruments made from this doesn’t necessarily belong to this family. Brass instruments are a long metal tube. Tone: Buzzing lips against the mouthpiece causes the tube and air inside it to vibrate Tuba: Hits the highest notes and sits on the players lap Bugle: A natural brass instrument-has neither slides or valves so it has a limited range of notes and is rarely used. Valve: The player changes the pitch of notes by pressing down on a series of these. Trombone: Slide instrument- players change pitch by sliding a long tube up and down allowing smooth changes.