HONORS World History: 10/14 Target Objective: I I can define Absolutism – who, what, when, where, why by creating my own definition and predict this age’s impact on world history. Agenda: CE: Catch-up What is America’s greatest foreign policy threat? Return Chap. 1 Test Absolutism (10 min.) Map work/ pair share HW: Bring colored pencils, crayons, or markers to class tomorrow. Preview this unit’s vocabulary.
October 14: top 3 three stories today Last night: 1 st Democratic Presidential Debate Hillary Clinton: nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists. Martin O'Malley said a nuclear Iran. Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee pointed to chaos in the Middle East, and Bernie Sanders said climate change.
2 nd story American Journalist, Jason Resaian has spent 391 days as an Iranian hostage For “collaborating with a hostile gov’t.” A political pawn Currently 4 Americans held or missing in Iran
3 rd Story: China building the world’s largest radiotelescope To be done in 2016 Listening for life Potential ground station for future space missions NASA discovered an earthlike planet, Kepler 452-B in July
Closure: Exit Ticket Absolutism What? Where? How? Why?