Group related items together Unrelated items should not be in close proximity This gives viewers instant organizational cues
How does the one on the left change how you view the list?
Common Business Card
Compare to this one
What relationships does proximity imply?
How do the relationships change?
How can we fix this list?
Does this make more sense?
What are some issues with this flyer?
How many Concerts are in the Series?
What do you assume about the concerts?
Can you tell when and where the sale is happening?
How about now?
Which items should be grouped together?
A much cleaner look
Are all links equal?
Proximity When items are in close proximity, they are grouped together and become a visual unit. Items related to each other should be grouped together Be aware of how your eyes move around the page
Why worry about proximity? Basic purpose is to organize Close proximity implies related information If information is organized, it is more likely to be read and remembered
What to Avoid (as in Don’t do them) Too many separate elements on a page Sticking things in the corners and middle Leave equal amount of white space between elements Creating relationships with elements that don’t belong together
Proximity Assignment Use white 9" x 12" paper as the foundation for your design. Design it in landscape format: with the 12" edge going left-to-right and the 9" edge going top-to-bottom. You can use any of the available materials to complete your ad: markers, colored pencils, crayons, rulers, compasses, colored paper, scissors, glue. Do not cut pictures from magazines. Start your design in pencil so you can make adjustments before you finalize your design. Write the word PROXIMITY in letters at least two inches high somewhere on your poster, so they can be read across the room. The rest of your poster must be arranged like this: FIVE identical shapes/images which are close to each other. THREE identical shapes/images which are close to each other and different from the five mentioned above. Make it colorful. Make it neatly. Take your time.