Lesson 1: A Guide to the: The Global Perspectives Portfolio Video: by Rocío Coz Odria
Areas of Study Belief Systems Biodiversity and Ecosystem Loss Climate Change Conflict and Peace Disease and Health Education for all Employment Family and Demographic Change
Law and Criminality Tradition, Culture and Language Water Fuel and Energy Technology and Economic Divide Urbanisation Human and Other Species Trade and Aid
Portfolios Your portfolios should have 4 separate studies – 2 basic studies and 2 extended studies.
Skills that I will develop Research Develop lines of reasoning Consider wide variety of perspectives Reflect on our own circumstances
Global and International Perspectives Family and personal Perspectives
2 Basic Studies 1,000 and 1,500 words. Identify area to be investigated including why it was chosen Gather information and show an understanding of different perspectives. Possible 6 marks Analyse and evaluate information within the area of study, Possible 6 marks Identify and evaluate possible outcomes/scenarios Possible 6 marks
2 Basic Studies 1,500 and 2,500 words. Identify and evaluate a range of possible courses of action at different levels (local. national and international) Possible 6 marks Explain your own personal response to the issue based on an understanding of the information collected. Possible 8 marks In the 2 extended areas of study you will be expected in addition to the above also to:
Start by briefly saying what you plan to do and why. What is important is not the quantity of information found but the range of perspectives or points of view which you have collected. Remember these points of view need to include global, local and personal perspectives. It is also important not to write too much here as then you will not have enough words for analysis and evaluation. 1. Identification of the area to be studied and reasons for the choice. Gather information, showing different perspectives.
2. Analysis and evaluation of the information, highlighting and ranking key elements. Look critically at the information you have gathered, asking questions about the causes and possible results of what you have discovered Compare the perspectives you have discovered. It is best to consider a few issues in depth rather than try to consider too many issues.
3. Prediction of possible scenarios and evaluation of their likelihood and effects. Think about what could happen in the future based on what you have discovered. ’What would happen if…….?’
4. Identification of possible course of action. Consider what could be done. You need to clearly explain the steps which your action would involve.
5. A personal response to the issues, showing understanding. Evidence that you have become more aware of a certain problem. Final conclusion.
The portfolio is marked out of 100 by your teacher and the marking is moderated by the exam board. It counts for 50% of your total marks so making a big effort is very worthwhile!
Possible Portfolio End Products Book (memoir biography)Art work Creative writingBrochure/Pamphlet EssayCD-ROM PetitionChart PoemDisplay PosterFilm Report/research paperMusic video ReviewSong Script for play Calendar Story Mural DiaryDrama DebateInterview Musical PerformanceTrial
Planning Sheet for a Basic Study What title question am I going to develop? What questions do I need to ask myself? Where will I find the information to answer my questions? Book? Links? How will I analyse the information? What do I have to do to identify and evaluate possible scenarios?
Planning Sheet for an Extended Study What title question am I going to develop? What questions do I need to ask myself? Where will I find the information to answer my questions? Book? Links? How will I analyse the information? What do I have to do to identify and evaluate possible scenarios? What courses of action would be possible to plan and put into practice? What is my personal response to what I have researched?
Area of Study: Conflict and Peace Title question: How does terrorrism affect countries? Suggested questions Global Perspective Why are there terrorrists in the world? Are they part of something wrong we are doing as a society? Where is there terrorrism in the world? How can the United Nations help? National Perspective Which terrorrist group threats my country? What ideas/issues are creating conflicts? What might happen to the situation in the future in my country? Is my country involved in UN peacekeeping? Personal Perspective How does terrorrism affect the citizens of mycountry? How have my family and me experienced terrorrist acts? Could this problem be solved?
Lesson 2: Portfolio Assessment
Assessment Type WeightingAssessmentNature of Assessment Portfolio50% Develop types of reasoning, taking into consideration a variety of perspectives and reflecting on own circumstances. Individual
Assessment Criteria Band 1Band 2Band 3Band Gather information representing different perspectives. Limited information is gathered that illustrates a few perspectives. A range of relevant information is gathered that represents several perspectives. A broad range of relevant information is gathered that represnets a variety of perspectives. Not applicable Analyse issues within the area of study, Simple analysis showing little understanding of conditions and causes. The analysis shows some consideration of conditions and causes. Through analysis of pertinent issues with indepth consideration of conditions and causes. Not applicable Identify and evaluate possible scenarios. Ideas are simple and limited and replicate information collected from other sources. There is little or no evaluation. Several possible scenarios are identified based on evidence collected. Evaluation is limited. A broad range of scenarios is identified based on evidence collected. There is thorough evaluation of possible outcomes. Not applicable Formulate possible courses of action. Few possible courses of action are proposed which are simplistic in approach. Some suitable courses of action are proposed which are developed to a basic level. A broad range of well- developed courses of action are proposed. Not applicable Develop evidence- based response, demonstrating self awareness. Response is simplistic and makes little appropiate reference to the considered evidence. There is minimal evidence of self-awareness. Response makes occasional reference to the considered evidence. There is some evidnece of self-evidence. Response is detailed in places and is justified with reference to the considered evidence. There is significant evidence of self- awareness. Response is detailed and is fully justified with reference to the considered evidence. There is evidence of sophisticated and perceptive self- awareness.