Unit III – Week 5
We use codes all the time. The letters of the alphabet are a code. Our digits (0-9) are a code. The numbers 911 are a code…
…and so is Nine Eleven! And December Seventh.
And flags are code, symbols of the places they represent.
We use body language. We don’t need any words to understand this individual’s meaning.
We use our faces to signal emotional code.
And our hands can communicate code as well.
American Sign Language
Our lives are full of codes that we need to understand. This story is about the Navajo Code that was used in World War II to baffle the Japanese.
Unit 3 ● Week 5 Vocabulary
Unit 3 ● Week 5 corridor Vocabulary I walked along one airport __________ for what must have been twenty minutes. Part of Speech: noun corridor --- a passage way into which doors or rooms open.
Unit 3 ● Week 5 reservation Vocabulary Part of Speech: noun On the _______________, the Native Americans can still practice their old customs. reservation --- a tract of public land set aside for a certain use (as a tribal home for Native Americans).
Unit 3 ● Week 5 enlisted Vocabulary Part of Speech: Verb (past tense) When she ____________, she didn’t realize how challenging her new life would be. enlisted --- to have enrolled oneself in the armed forces
Unit 3 ● Week 5 invasion Part of Speech: noun Vocabulary The ultimate battle of World War II would have been the ____________ of Japan. invasion --- incursion of a military force for conquest, plunder, or other military objective
Unit 3 ● Week 5 shields Part of Speech: noun (plural) Vocabulary The officers had riot ___________ to protect themselves from the peaceful protesters. shields --- broad pieces of protective armor carried on arms.
Unit 3 ● Week 5 location Vocabulary Part of Speech: noun The officer helped the motorist to identify his ____________ in the park. location --- a fixed place or position
Unit 3 ● Week 5 creased Vocabulary Part of Speech: adjective His face was ___________ with age, but the age showed that he had had a good life. creased --- wrinkled, furrowed, grazed verb (past tense)
Unit 3 ● Week 5 transmission Vocabulary Part of Speech: noun Wherever there was good ________________, the conversation stopped and the tapping of the keys began. transmission --- the passage of signals between an originating station and a receiving station
Unit 3 ● Week 5 to measure up to Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 5 it was all I could do Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 5 crack the code Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 5 to be around forever Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 5 platoon Basic Words
Unit 3 ● Week 5 boot camp Basic Words
Unit 3 ● Week 5 uniform Basic Words
Unit 3 ● Week 5 recruits Basic Words
Unit 3 ● Week 5 dive-bomber Basic Words
Unit 3 ● Week 5 radio pack Basic Words
QUIZ You will require a white board for this part!
QUIZ creased Grandfather’s face was __________ but gentle.
QUIZ invasion The ____________ of Iwo Jima was a long and bloody battle.
QUIZ reservation Life on the _______________ was very hard on the Native Americans.
QUIZ shield The knight’s _________ was his only defense against the fierce dragon.
QUIZ transmissionOnce the ________________ was sent, the enemy could intercept it easily; an unbreakable code was needed.
QUIZ enlistedOnce you’ve ____________ in the military, there’s no changing your mind.
QUIZ locationIn war, knowing the ____________ of the enemy is critical.
QUIZ corridor Below is a view of an ornate ____________ in Windsor Castle, the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II of England.
sugar, pillar, scholar gentler, founder, saucer, commander, crater, peddler, shatter, soldier scissors, director, labor, error, crater, splendor, professor, governor, vapor, equator They all end in letter /r/. No matter the vowel (a, e, or o), they have an /er/ sound. We call this Spelling Pattern: r-controlled vowels. What do these words have in common?
The Unbreakable Code “The reservation had no birth records,” Grandfather said with a grin. “In two weeks, I was on an old bus headed for boot camp with twenty-eight nervous Navajos. I stared out the window into the darkness. I was going outside of the Four Sacred Mountains for the first time in my life.” “Were you scared?” asked John. “Of course,” said his grandfather. “I didn’t know where I was going or what our mission was.” Weekly Dictation
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