Friday Oct 10, 2014 Write in your agenda: Daily Academic Vocab. Characterization Workstations Homework: Read for AR, Annotation log. Annotation Log due Monday!
Daily Academic Vocabulary Complete the last page of the Daily Academic Vocabulary packet independently on your own. It is a review of the week! I will be collecting it for a grade in a few minutes.
Interactive Notebook In the Table of Contents add these pages: Characterization-page – Character Traits-page 47
Chester’s Way by Kevin Henkes I am going to read to you Chester’s Way by Kevin Henkes. We are going to stop along the way to complete the chart on Chester. We will be looking at how the character looks, acts, and feels. We will use text evidence to support our answers. During workstations you will be able to AR test on this book.
Workstations We have 6 new workstations. Plot Reading Comprehension Dictionary Skills Independent Reading Poetry Characterization I will go over all directions and the directions are written at each station. You will spend 20 minutes in a station. You must complete the work in the station. You are to work as a group on the activity. Stay on task!
Expanding Sentences We are going to practice writing better sentences. I am going to display a picture and a word blank. I will model how to write a sentence in which you will show not tell. We will use the Padlet App to share our sentences with the class. /9c9btf23b0vm
Kernel Essay Today we are going to use our Quick List from last six weeks to select a moment or memory that you wouldn’t mind everyone hearing about. Number your papers one through 5 skipping lines. Think about the moment you chose. I’m going to ask you five questions about that moment, one at a time. Answer each question about that moment.
Kernel Essay 1.Where were you and what were you doing? 2.What was the first thing that happened? 3.What was the second thing that happened? 4.What was the last thing that happened? 5.What you thought. ( As I was…I saw…and I thought…) You have just written a kernel essay. It’s like a kernel of corn, tiny but packed!