The DEWETRA platform An advanced Early Warning System
“… in the Civil Protection world, now and immediately are not synonymous since to operate as we do it is necessary to have specific tools available, operational procedures and structures that are functioning on a 24 hour basis every day and, above all, decision making procedures capable of adopting” measures: ORGANIZED EFICCIENT TIMELY
integrate information already available (executed and implemented by multiple diverse entities) avoid duplications make outputs readily available in real time to key stakeholders prioritize needs make outputs interoperable into format that supports rapid and effective decision making effectively communicating the information to downstream users Need for a comprehensive platform to support decisions Information shared and organized !
Using technology… To make real-time data available for decision-making To support integration of systems (interoperability) To up-grade observation systems Sharing information to share knowledge … to improve capacity turning data into meaningful information effectively communicating the information to downstream users sharing technical skills and experiences sharing knowledge
Predictions & Early Warning Rapid response Disaster forecasting and nowcasting Monitoring & active disaster assessment The DEWETRA platform within the disasters management cycle
Early Warning and Decision Support System vulnerabilities knowledge real time risk evaluation early warning communication response organization EWC - Third International Conference on Early Warning, March 2006, Bonn, Germany continuous (24/7) multiple channel static & dynamic static
The aim of the Dewetra platform The Dewetra platform is a real-time event-based scenario builder, which allows the decision maker to take prevention actions and reduce the impacts of the forecasted event. Dewetra is not a mere forecasting tools, but also integrates information on vulnerability and exposure forecasters decision makers
R(t) = Real-time Risk Assessment & Prediction Quasi-static information Real-time information element at risks, hazard maps,... medium and short range weather forecasts, hydro-meteorological monitoring, impacts prediction (flood, soilslip), uncertainty estimation,… E x VE x Vx H(t)
Requirements and key features of the platform Facilitating multiple simultaneous users -Decision-makers & technical personnel Allowing multiple uses -Modeling and visualization of spatio-temporal information (elaborations) -Data managing and archiving (database) -Information dissemination to multiple stakeholders in realtime (presentations) Extendable and adaptable (architecture) Accessible 24/7
Software key features Open source Open Geospatial Consortium standards Interoperable Platform independent Browser independent
Risk bulletin preparation and distribution Daily risk bulletin Different risk level, in alert zones Different output formats: maps, large text, short textual (sms) Different communication channels: , fax, sms (cap)
Impacts report Synthetic description of impacts to organize response Standard template with georeferred information (easy to store) First indications for damage evaluation, linked to damage database (ex. Desinventar) Different communication channels: web, , sms
cnrs ********* User Access Policy
C B A: Background layers B: Quasi static information (exposure and vulnerability) C: Dynamic information (hazard) D: Time range of the visualized data E: Additional tools (Navigation, Infos, Impacts, Report) F: Search for toponymies (Google Maps ® ) and local AWS EF A D
Infrastructures Exposure and Vulnerability
Census Information -inhabitants Exposure and Vulnerability
Hazard Maps (static scenario)
Dynamic information 00:00 +72h time when where Hi RISK Real-time observation Short range forecast (+72h)
Geostationary Meteorological Satellites
National weather radar network
Automatic Weather Stations
Warning systems based on thresholds (different sensors) Rainfall ( h cumulated) Hydrometric level (floods) Temperature (min,max,mean,diff: heat & cold waves) Wind (gusts) Snows ( h cumulated)
Warning systems based on observations and thresholds
Flood monitoring Basin-scale aggregated hydrometric data
Flood monitoring Basin-scale aggregated hydrometric data
Data spatialization methods TEMPERATURE RAIN SNOW
Data aggregation at different scales
National weather radar network
Soil moisture diagnostic model
NOW Observed Variables Forecasted variables time Hydrologic model discharge [m^3/s] timeNOW Run with observations Forecasts Observed Simulated Alert Threshold Flood forecasts
Satellite Observations ( EUMETSAT - NASA ) Numeric Weather Prediction Automatic weather stations Probabilistic Forecast Flood forecasts
Static risk assessment Up-to-date hystorical records Elements at risk Automatic Weather Stations Building a risk scenario Prediction models
Internet Internet The Dewetra Platform published at CNRS Satellites data Data elaboration, local forecasts, publication Disaster Risk Management Unit In-situ data Internet Internet Observations Global & regional forecasts Internet Internet Internet Internet River Authorities Ministries and others institutions The Dewetra Platform: data flow Exposure and vulnerability data Exposure and vulnerability data Exposure and vulnerability data Exposure and vulnerability data Civil Defense
Present installations implemented through WMO-DPC agreement implemented in other projects
Agreement OMM-DPC The Dewetra Platform is offered as an Open-Source tool to the WMO affiliated countries as an Italian contribution to the WMO programs on flood management and forecasting (FFI and APFM). *
Thank you Lauro Rossi