1783 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782.


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Presentation transcript:

Forbid colonists to settle west of the line formed by the Appalachian Mts. Was meant to prevent Indian attacks No more settlements past the Appalachian Mountains! It’s for your own good. OMG. I hate them so much.

1764: Sugar Act – Tax on molasses and sugar Smuggling of molasses/sugar was common 1765: Stamp Act-required stamped paper for all official documents, such as newspapers, deeds, wills, and playing cards. William Bradford, The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advisor, 1765

Colonists believed the taxes were unfair because they didn’t have a direct representative in Parliament. “No Taxation without Representation!” became the cry of colonial protesters. Patrick Henry - “Give me Liberty or give me death!”

Required the colonists to quarter (house and feed) British troops Protected by the 3 rd amendment

Created by Samuel Adams Organization of patriots - colonists for independence Protested with violence

Boycotts-refusing to buy British goods to hurt their trade Petitions-Writing letters to Parliament asking for change As a response to protests: Parliament (British lawmakers) repeal the Stamp Act. Repeal=to cancel or stop

Put a tax on tea, glass, lead, paper, paints. Including Writs of Assistance – searches without reasons Protected by the 4 th Amendment today Boycotts hurt England and they later repealed all taxes except the one on tea.

Mob of colonists shot by British soldiers 5 colonists killed Crispus Attucks an African and former slave was killed Drawing was biased: Telling only one side of the story

Townshend Act repealed! Parliament imposed the Tea Act – A tax on imported tea, that made by the East India Tea Companies tea very cheap! But it was still another tax without the colonies consent!


Why would something cost more if only one store was allowed to sell it? OMG! NEW TWILIGHT! Daddy if you love me buy it for me now! Only Place to Buy Twilight! It’s gonna be a good day! Cha-ching!

To protest the Tea Act Sons of Liberty dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor (equivalent to $1 million)

Rules to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party 1.Closed the port of Boston 2.Gave more power to the governor of Massachusetts 3.Forbid town meetings 4.Quartered MORE troops in Boston

The British heard of a weapons storehouse in the city of Concord. On the march they were spotted which led to Paul Revere’s famous ride. Minutemen from the area massed and challenged them. Someone fired a shot… The regulars are coming! The regulars are coming!