Lab: Chp 15.1 Taco Cups *Yields 8-10 Ingredients 1 lb.Ground Beef 7oz. Black beans, undrained ¼ COnions 1 pkg.Taco seasoning mix ½ CWater 1 Can refrigerated buttermilk biscuits ½ Cshredded Cheddar cheese ½ C shredded lettuce ½ Cdiced tomato (from can) ½ Csour cream, if desired ½ CSalsa, if desired
Taco Cups Directions: DAY ONE: Main Chef 1.Brown ground beef and onions in large skillet over medium heat until thoroughly cooked, stirring frequently, DRAIN over paper towels in colander. Put back in skillet. 2.Add in Black beans, taco seasoning mix and water; mix well. Reduce heat to low. 3.Simmer 10 minutes or until mixture is slightly thick, stirring occasionally. 4.Take off heat, place in bowl or on plate to cool, wrap and refrigerate.
Taco Cups Directions: Sous Chef 1.Chop, shred, and wrap remaining ingredients. 2.Place ingredients onto plate- wrap again. 3.Mark kitchen # and period- place in fridge.
Taco Cups Directions: DAY 2 Preheat oven to 375°. Spray outside bottom and sides of muffin pans Separate dough into 8-10 biscuits Pat each biscuit to form 4 ½ inch rounds Place rounds over outside sprayed cups Press to fit bottom and sides of cups Put into oven for minutes or golden brown Remove pan from oven, remove biscuit -FILL UP!
Turn Muffin pan upside down, press dough around sides and bake!
Place cups right side up, let them cool down a bit.
Add toppings and Eat! Finish writing your Lab Reports!