Canadian National Millers Association September 14, 2009 Jim Tobin VP, Grain & Crop Industry Affairs Monsanto Company
CONTROL HYBRID (76 BU/AC) WITH GENE (94 BU/AC) SUPERIOR, NE - FIELD TRIALS – Dryland Field Tests of Lead Drought Event Offers Visual Evidence of Increased Yield In Stressed Conditions
Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Transgenic Control DAYTON, IOWA
Yield Contests Demonstrate Plant Potential THE CHALLENGE IS MAXIMIZING YIELDS ACROSS ALL FARMS AND ENVIRONMENTS CROPDOUBLED YIELD OFF 2000 BASE RECORD YIELDS IN THE USA CORN 274 bushels per acre Francis Childs of Manchester, Iowa, with a record-breaking yield of 442 bushels per acre SOYBEANS 74 bushels per acre Missouri’s Kip Cullers harvested a world record soybean yield of 154 bushels per acre in 2007 COTTON 1,264 pounds per acre Michael Mullion with Red River Farms in Blythe, California, grew 3,718 pounds per acre of cotton in a 38 acre field.
Trilateral Biotech Agreement National Association of Wheat Growers US Wheat Associates North American Millers Grain Growers Of Canada Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association Alberta Winter Wheat Grain Council Of Australia Grain Growers Association Pastoralists and Grazers Association Of Western Australia (Inc.)
Develop better seeds Conserve resources Improve farmers’ lives Produce More, Conserve More