Agenda Welcome Definition of charter school Vision of LPS Specifics about LPS Grade level tours
Public school Tuition-free Open enrollment A charter school is a public school of choice that is established with a performance contract. As a public school option, Leadership Prep will provide a free- tuition school and will have open enrollment.
OE Charters vs. Traditional ISDs Similarities Academic accountability Financial accountability TEKS/Graduation requirements Differences Cap on the # of charters Employment is “At-Will” No authority to levy property taxes Not eligible for all state funding; no facilities funding
Parent Partnership Increases student achievement Fosters a spirit of cooperation Program to help parents stay involved – Observation in classroom – Parent seminars – Opportunities to serve
Leadership Development Leadership curriculum – The Leader in Me - that is integrated across subjects Teaching students to lead themselves so they can lead others Servant leadership learning projects
Academics College prep program; Dual credit approach Project-based learning - gradual increase becoming more evident in middle school Curriculum aligned to the TEKS Core courses: English language arts, math, science, social studies
Academics (cont.) Elementary Specials: PE, music, art, Spanish and technology Technology in the classroom; 1:1 at 8 th and 9 th grades State-approved textbooks Full array of special education services (GT, 504, ESL)
Creativity Foster curiosity and a love of learning Innovative teachers Critical thinking and problem-solving
Excellence Overarching principle of LPS – Everything should be done with a spirit of excellence – Did I do my best?
Specifics about LPS Grades K-9 Classes of 25 each – Kindergarten – 7 th grades Addition of one section each this coming year – Additional spaces may be available at 8 th and 9 th grades
How does enrollment work? Geographic boundary – Allen ISD, Aubrey ISD, Denton ISD, Frisco ISD, Lewisville ISD, Little Elm ISD, McKinney ISD, Plano ISD and Prosper ISD Applications accepted February 1 st - 19 th on our website: Lottery - February 25 th at 10am
Where will the school be housed? Elevate Life Church: K-4 Project for the secondary building is underway Will not be ready for August Examining options (temporaries, leased space until completed; expected semester move-in)
School Hours and Calendar This year: – K-4 th : 8:15-3:15 weekdays – 5 th -8 th : 8:30-3:45 weekdays Typically align with FISD calendar for major holidays, but NOT identical Hours and calendar will be approved and posted no later than April Attendance is very important!
Uniforms: - uniform look that can be bought from multiple sources Lunch: - hot lunch option from caterer Transportation: - parents will drop off and pick up, though there are other options like Frisco Shuttle, Kids R Kids, etc.
Parent-Student Handbook Available on the homepage of our website Contains important information on almost every topic
Let’s Take a Tour!