Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or the space bar. Many Cultures Meet (Prehistory–1550) The American Indians The Europeans The West Africans Many Cultures Meet (Prehistory ) First Encounters Witness History: The Discovery
The American Indians Sec 1: The American Indians The First People of the Americas Main Idea: Scholars believe Paleoindians, or the first humans to live in the Americas, came from Siberia and eventually developed permanent villages where they practiced farming. Early American Indian Cultures Main Idea: Many Native American cultures emerged in the Americas centuries before the arrival of Columbus. Distinct cultures developed in areas such as the Southwest, the Mississippi River Valley, the Great Plains, and the Eastern Woodlands. Common Cultural Features Main Idea: Although there was great cultural diversity among early Native Americans, they did share some cultural traits. These included de-centralized political power, spiritual beliefs, shared property and land, and gender roles. Witness History: The First People Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Geography Interactive: Migration to the Americas Continued…
Sec 1: The American Indians (con’t) Color Transparencies: Native American Dwellings Geography Interactive: Native American Cultures, ca Progress Monitoring Transparency The American Indians (continued…)
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas NOTE TAKING
Native American Dwellings TRANSPARENCY Transparency: Native American Dwellings
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The Europeans Sec 2: The Europeans Life in Europe in the 1400s Main Idea: At the start of the fifteenth century, in the wake of the bubonic plague, Europe had several key characteristics. The economy became centered on agriculture, only a small minority of the population possessed wealth and power, and various kingdoms waged war with one another. Europe Looks Beyond Its Borders Main Idea: Rapidly expanding trade and the religious wars known as the Crusades exposed Europeans to different parts of the world. A new era, known as the Renaissance, began. The Portuguese Begin to Explore Main Idea: Due to its geographic location and technological developments, the Portuguese took the lead in exploring new trade routes and areas for expansion of power. Witness History: Prince Henry the Navigator Note Taking: Reading Skill: Summarizing Geography Interactive: Trade Routes in Europe, Continued…
The Europeans (continued…) Sec 2: The Europeans (con’t) Color Transparencies: Renaissance Technology Quick Study: Renaissance Changes Europe Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Summarizing Note Taking: Reading Skill: Summarizing NOTE TAKING
Renaissance Technology Transparency: Renaissance Technology TRANSPARENCY
Renaissance Changes Europe Quick Study : Renaissance Changes Europe QUICK STUDY
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The West Africans Sec 3: The West Africans West African Kingdoms Main Idea: Various kingdoms, such as Ghana, Mali, and Songhai flourished in West Africa. With the arrival of Portuguese explorers in the 1400s, the kingdoms became important trade centers. West African Life Main Idea: West African civilizations were diverse and well developed. Religious beliefs varied but contributed to strong communal ties, as did family bonds. Slavery in Africa Main Idea: Slavery was common in West Africa. West African rulers commonly sold conquered or captured people as slaves to traders, including Arabs and the Portuguese. Witness History: Timbuktu Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Details Geography Interactive: West African Trade Routes, A.D. 800-A.D History Interactive: Trade Flourishes in Ancient Ghana Color Transparencies: Education at Timbuktu Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Identify Details Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Details NOTE TAKING
Education at Timbuktu Transparency: Education at Timbuktu TRANSPARENCY
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First Encounters Sec 4: First Encounters Spain Looks to the West Main Idea: In the late 1400s the Spanish, seeking expansion of wealth and power, began to turn westward over the Atlantic. The Voyage of Christopher Columbus Main Idea: With hopes for power and wealth across the Atlantic, Spain turned to an Italian sailor named Christopher Columbus. Columbus hoped to find a route to China in order to convert the Chinese to Christianity. Other Voyages of Exploration Main Idea: Between 1497 and 1522, John Cabot, Pedro Alvarez Cabral, Amerigo Vespucci, and Ferdinand Magellan conducted significant voyages that helped form an increasingly detailed picture of the Earth. The Spanish Expand Their American Empire Main Idea: In the early 1500s Spanish conquistadors like Hernán Cortés expanded Spain’s empire throughout North and South America. Continued…
First Encounters (continued…) Sec 4: The New Republic (con’t) The Trans-Atlantic Exchange of Plants and Animals Main Idea: By introducing new plants, animals and microorganisms to the region, European colonizers started an ecological revolution in the Americans. This became known as the Columbian exchange. Witness History: The First Meeting Note Taking: Reading Skill: Understand Effects Geography Interactive: Columbus’s Voyage, Color Transparencies: Magellan’s Voyage Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Understand Effects Note Taking: Reading Skill: Understand Effects NOTE TAKING
Magellan’s Voyage Transparency: Magellan’s Voyage TRANSPARENCY
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