Welcome to First Grade!! Mrs. Furlong And Mr. McDermott
Mrs. Furlong Mother of two teenagers (20 and 17) Live in New Hope, Pa This is my 4th year at School Lane Background in Early Childhood Education Best way to reach me during the day is
Mr. McDermott Teaching for 6 years (Intervention positions) B.S. in Elementary Education M. Ed. Certified in Special Education Second year at School Lane Bensalem resident for 20 years is best form of communication during school day
Field Trips and Exhibitions Two field trips each year You must have background clearances in order to chaperone-these can take a while, so fill your paperwork out EARLY Destinations are TBD a this time Two exhibitions each year One evening exhibition/One daytime exhibition Habitat Display-daytime exhibition Balance and Motion-in spring
What Your Student Will Learn Science Units- Animal Habitats and Classification Balance and Motion Insects and Plants Humanities Units- Map Skills South America, Africa, and India
What Your Child Will Learn Math Numbers (Comparing and Ordering) Addition and Subtraction Facts to 18 Geometry Patterns Counting Money Time Place Value (tens and ones) Measurement Graphs Fraction parts
What Your Child Will Learn Language Arts and Writing Reading Skills(fluency, comprehension, reading stamina) Writing Process Author Studies Vocabulary
School Lane Website
Rules and Consequences 4 Classroom Rules-created and signed by entire class 1. We will use kind words 2. We give only gentle touches 3. We will use our listening ears and follow directions quickly! 4. We will be safe in class, in the hall, and on the playground DO YOUR BEST!!
Rules and Consequences Consequences 1. Verbal Warning 2. Verbal Warning ( with time out of group if needed) 3. Loss of recess time (reflecting sheet) 4. Phone call home (with student) 5. Sent to office *Students who break relevant Code of Conduct Rules may be sent directly to Mr. D’Andrea*
Characteristics of a 6-7 year old Full of energy Center of their own world Occasional clumsiness (growth spurts) Difficulty making choices Need the security of rules, routines and boundaries Tattletale stage Begins practicing independent behaviors Sometimes demanding with extreme behaviors (tantrums AGAIN) OPEN TO LEARNING!
FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! Learning is pleasurable, but DOING is the height of enjoyment. -Novalis Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. -Fred Rogers