Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs
Last Student Council Meeting! Just had our last Student Council meeting on Tuesday, April 17 th. Passed an E&C request from music for new uniforms. Passes a few resolutions. Had officer swear ins! They will officially take over on graduation. Transitioning with Ryan Beck, who was on campus this weekend, Monday, and Tuesday.
Construction The student organization offices have all moved, and we are beginning the final stage of construction.
Computers in Havener They are in now! They are the Thin Client Pilot Computers There is also a printer Because of large student usage, the pilot program was extended, probably until the end of the school year. Definitely looking at permanent computers.
Student Leaders’ Banquet Had a great attendance at over 175 people. Was April 11 th
Blood Drive Last Blood Drive will be April 18 th – April 20 th. Hopefully, we’ll end the year strongly.
Campus Climate Assessment Working very hard to get good student involvement in survey. Survey results are essential for the campus.
Resolutions Within the last two months, we have passed the following resolutions: Welcoming President Wolfe Welcoming Chancellor Schrader Endorsing the Camps Climate Assessment Endorsing Domestic Partner Benefits Thanking Ms. Margaret Cline Endorsing Electric Buses at S&T
Honor Code We are trying to hit the honor code really hard for next year. Can be found at Would appreciate all of the help we can get.
Others Student Interest Survey is done. Will present next semester. Working really hard to find a better way for RSO Recognition. There are about 17 organizations mid process, and it’s become a very slow process. Board of Curators and Geothermal Groundbreaking. Transitioning with new officers and the Executive Council.