The Taliban in Afghanistan
Islamic Extremism 1980: USSR invades Afghanistan fearing Islamic extremists Guerilla group called the Mujahideen fights the Soviet Army, has financial support of US 1990: Soviets pull out of Afghanistan – US stops sending money Extremist Islamic group the Taliban began fight other groups for control of Afghanistan 1996: Taliban win & rule the country as a theocracy with a very strict interpretation of Islamic Law Many lose rights & freedoms, especially women Women faced public beatings if they did not wear the burqa Citizens faced public executions for violating Taliban law
US Invades Afghanistan A friend of the Taliban was Osama bin Laden Bin Laden had declared a jihad (holy war) against the United States Taliban allow Bin Laden to train his Al- Qaeda organization in Afghanistan After 9/11 the US demanded the Taliban turn over Bin Laden, they refuse 2002: US invades Afghanistan to remove the Taliban and find Bin Laden US removes Taliban, puts their enemies Northern Alliance in power New govt. is struggling, Taliban is making a comeback CIA chief George Tenent warns of possible Al-Qaeda attack, no one listens