Cognitive Processes PSY 334 Chapter 4 – Perception- Based Knowledge Representation
Two Types of Imagery Images involving visual properties. Images involving spatial properties. Bilateral temporal lobe damage: Difficulty judging color, size, shape. No deficit in mental rotation, image or letter scanning, judgment of relative positions.
Are Images Like Perception? A series of experiments to compare perception and imagery: Imagining transformations of mental images vs perceived stimuli. Ponzo illusions occurs with imagery. Difficulty with reversible figures – depends on instructions, harder. MRI plots show same brain activity.
Hierarchical Structure Images have structure and are decomposed into chunks based on that structure. Reed’s forms. Grouping of items in room.
Cognitive Maps Two kinds of maps: Route map – indicates places and turns, but not all landmarks. Survey map – shows all relevant portions of space, not just route. Adults produce survey maps, kids produce route maps. Survey maps more versatile.
Map Distortions Which is farther east: San Diego or Reno? People map wrong guesses because they reason from the positions of the states, not cities. Relative positions of larger areas are compared, not details.
Translating Verbal Descriptions Subjects were asked to read passages, rotate themselves and make judgments: Fastest when making above-below judgments, slower with right-left. Verbal directions (survey or route) are as good as using actual maps.
Remembering Serial Position Serial position – what comes first and what comes later in a list. Anchoring – first items are better remembered in sequences. Hierarchical encoding helps serial recall: Alphabet song