Small Bodies Node Report Michael F. A’Hearn, Donald R. Davis, Ludmilla Kolokolova, & Carol Neese 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 1
Mission Status Dawn (PDS3) –Panic subsiding, hope to meet PMDAP deadline (12 Sep) EPOXI (PDS3) –Awaiting re-calibrated data, higher level products, recal DI-data –finish by December LADEE LDEX (PDS4) –Pre-launch OLAF --> PDS3 --> PDS4, translation tool in progress –Post-launch, OLAF PDS4 NExT (PDS3) –Awaiting final products (shape model, recalibrated prime mission) –Finish by December OSIRIS ReX (PDS4) –Preparing DMAP Rosetta (PDS3) –Plodding along with lots of work –Release policies diverging 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 2
PDS4 Outline Tasks required (near-term only) –For data users –For data providers details –Internal Migration test details Issues 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 3
Tasks for SBN users Web pages –Announcement, links to PDS4 intro & EN –Overview of migration plan –How to read an XML label OLAF –Currently working on translation program specifically for current PDS3 output from OLAF –Eventually will produce PDS4 directly PDS4 -> FITS –Large fraction (30%?) of community uses FITS + IRAF/STSDAS –EN should produce output translator for PDS4 –Other large fraction (50%?) of community uses IDL –Routine works on samples created at SBN –Waiting for more samples 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 4 Details Replaces the long-standing publicly distributed by SBN Widely used Augmented by various users PDS4 Status –Works on sample products generated months ago at SBN –Not tested on samples generated by other nodes –Many more instances (compared to PDS3) where flags will be used to choose input options –Waiting on some PDS4 definition issues, like node & mission dictionaries, geometry classes –Need lots of examples from all nodes once labels are firm 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 5
Tasks for SBN Data Providers LADEE-LDEX –Pre-launch review Data will be loaded into OLAF to produce PDS3 products; SBN staff will translate to PDS4 –OLAF to be converted to PDS4 for post-launch data IKI –Continuing work at low level (separate funding) to teach them PDS4 for their archive OSIRIS ReX –In contact with team for DMAP preparation –Briefed on PDS4 but not yet ready to prepare products General –Provide real samples of data in PDS4 –Create node data dictionary –Web pages for intro + links to EN 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 6
Internal Tasks Lay out revised disk/directory structure Develop Node Data Dictionary –How do we do this? Migrate subset of data chosen –To provide examples for –To test registry service –To test validators –To test node and mission data dictionaries –To test “odd-ball” datasets (pure document sets, very large sets, bundles/collections split between PSI and UM, movies, etc.) Will never migrate superseded or safed datasets 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 7
Migration Details Prior ityData Set IDSize (GB)# ProductsData TypesNotesLead 1EAR-C-I SBN0007/KECKIIESI-V Image & Table Group effort 2DII-C-ITS-3/4-9P-ENCOUNTER-V ImageVisibleStef 2DII-C-ITS-2-NAV-9P-ENCOUNTER-V Image Stef 2EAR-C-COMPIL-5-COMET-NUC-PROPERTIES-V2.0012Table Tilden 2EAR-C-COMPIL-5-COMET-NUC-ROTATION-V1.003Table Tilden 2EAR-C-COMPIL-5-DB-COMET-POLARIMETRY-V1.004Table Tilden 2EAR-C-COMPIL-5-LIGHTCURVES-V1.0023Table Tilden 2SDU-C-NAVCAM-5-WILD2-SHAPE-MODEL-V2.1012Shape Model2 formsTony 2DIF-C-HRIV/ITS/MRI-5-TEMPEL1-SHAPE-V1.009Shape Model Tony 2IUE-C-LWP-3-EDR-IUECDB-V ,2D Spectra Lev 2IUE-C-LWR-3-EDR-IUECDB-V ,2D Spectra Lev 2IUE-C-SWP-3-EDR-IUECDB-V ,2D Spectra Lev 2NH-J-LEISA-3-JUPITER-V d array, 7 2D extensions, 1 bintab extension Lori 2EAR-P-I0962/I BENECCHIOCC-V1.0 FITS cube (NAXIS=3); test Lev 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 8 1LADEE LDEX for pre-launch review07TablesGroup effort 2HAY-A-AMICA-5-ITOKAWASHAPE-V Shape Models 2HAY-A-LIDAR-3-HAYLIDAR-V Tables 2EAR-A-5-DDR-ASTERMAG-V12.001Table185,655 targets 2EAR-A-5-DDR-TAXONOMY-V6.001Table 2EAR-A-I SDSSMOC-V Tables 2EAR-A-I IRTFSPEC-V Spectra 3HAY-A-AMICA-3-HAYAMICA-V Images, tables 3MSX-D-SPIRIT3-3-MSXZODY-V Tables, Browse 3NEAR-A-MSI-5-EROSSHAPE-V Shape Models 3EAR-A-I SUBMMLC-V1.008Lightcurve Tables 3EAR-A-COMPIL-5-ASTMASS-V3.002Tables 3EAR-A-COMPIL-5-BINMP-V5.002Tables UM PSI
Showstoppers for Public Release Node/Mission Data Dictionaries Geometry classes Registry service fully tested Linking raw and calibrated data Etc. 28/8/12PDS Management Councilmfa 9