centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Herding dinosaurs or surfing new worlds? Scholarly publishing and access to research knowledge in Africa Eve Gray 25 September 2007
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest I am a publisher......
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest African knowledge for Africa For our continent to take its rightful place in the history of humanity... we need to undertake, with a degree of urgency, a process of reclamation and assertion. We must contest the colonial denial of our history and we must initiate our own conversations and dialogues about our past. We need our own historians and our own scholars to interpret the history of our continent. President Thabo Mbeki – launching the Timbuktu Library Project
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest African research policy at centre stage
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The knowledge divide - the body count
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The body 'uncount' – technology in India
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The importance of dissemination The benefits of research are derived principally from access to research results. To the extent that the dissemination of research results is less than might be from given resources, we can argue that the welfare of society is sub-optimal. Currently access to research is restricted and the means to gain access is determined by a market in which a number of publishers have a dominant position. Wellcome Trust 2006
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Why is dissemination and publication not on the agenda?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Access or participation? Increasingly, the digital divide is giving way to concern about the participation gap. As long as the focus remains on access, reform remains focused on technologies; as soon as we start to talk about participation, the emphasis shifts to cultural protocols and practices Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture: Where old and new media collide. New York University Press, 2007
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The networked information economy The change wrought by the networked information economy is deep. A series of changes in the technologies, economic organisation and social practices of production in this environment has created new opportunities for how we make and exchange information, knowledge and culture. These changes have increased the role of non-market and non-proprietary production, both by individuals alone and by cooperative efforts in a wide range of loosely or tightly woven collaborations. Yochai Brenkler, The Wealth of Networks (2006)
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest What will the future look like? Every generation thinks it is unique, but there are nonetheless objective reasons to believe that we are witnessing an essential change in the way information is accessed, the way it is communicated to and from the general public, and among research professionals – fundamental methodological changes that will lead to a terrain years from now more different than in any comparable time period. Paul Ginsparg, Cornell University
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The Impact of print publications
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest SA research publication policy - publishing and perishing
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Herding dinosaurs 'We have a scientific publishing system that is massively dysfunctional and really, really broken.' James Boyle, William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law, Duke University, at the iCommons Summit, Rio, June 2006
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Sometimes a picture tells it all
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Intellectual property – lock-down or free?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Can OA and digital publishing provide an answer? B
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest What are the advantages of Open Access?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest How does the ethos of OA differ from conventional publishing?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The green and the gold...
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest New journal models - PlosONE
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest What is happening in South Africa? The Academy of Science Report on Scholarly Publishing in SA HSRC Press Repositories
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest An Indian case study – the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine Prior to Open Access - – Print circulation 400 – Paid subscriptions – 50 (Mostly India) – articles a year Now – Massively increased readership – International author submissions – Higher impact factors
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest A Case study of OA in a developing country The Indian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Doing it differently – the HSRC Press
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest This raises a question.... Why journals?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Where are we headed for?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Conservatism in the scientific establishment and the 'culture of fear' The way scientists communicate and publish and evaluate each other’s work and the way they meet each other and connect haven’t kept up with the changes happening in the science they do and the technology they use to do it. Corie Lok at Scifoo
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Do we risk losing our younger scholars? [T]he research community is ripe for a revolution in scientific communications and the current generation of scientists will be the ones to push it forward. These scientists...have grown up with cyberinfrastructure as part of their daily lives, not just a specialised aspect of their profession. They..can feel quite limited by the traditional format of publication. Perhaps, most importantly, they appreciate that the sheer amount of data and the number of publications is prohibitive to the traditional methods of keeping current with the literature. J Lynn Fink, University of California. CTWatch Quarterly Aug. 2007
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Video and multimedia
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Web 2.0 and scientific communications Timmo Hannay, CTWatch Qaurterly Aug 2007
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest What does this mean for librarians? Data maintenance? Publishing functions? Advice on free resources? A more central role in the management of communications?
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest The Office of Scholarly Communication - UC
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Good luck!
centre for educational technology Eve Gray, International Policy Fellowships - Budapest Contact
centre for educational technology Creative Commons Licence Deed Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 South Africa You are free to: SHARE – to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work REMIX – to make derivative works Under the following conditions: ATTRIBUTION – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. SHARE ALIKE – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.