Being afraid of Math is common to many students. Math Tinik attempts to change this by trying to make the subject appealing to students. Like Sine'skwela, Math Tinik uses likeable characters and familiar scenes as well as objects found in daily to explain concepts and solve mathematical problems. With this approach, students become less intimidated and develop confidence in handling math equations.
How the concepts are illustrated: They were presented in a way that is appealing to the eyes of the children that would be watching the episodes since the audience that would be the targets of its spectacle have very short attention time spans. It also reached the point where magic or the supernatural feats were included, which the children these days are fascinated with.
The manner of the delivery of the instructions possesses at most a child-like tone and a slow pace that is understandable for children to catch up to.
Even the cast that is doing the film was children, maybe to give out an impression that if someone their own age is capable of performing such operations, the audience can do so too. This is crucial, we believe, since it is no news that most Filipino children declare their dislike for their Math subjects.
Simplification an d Application: The presentation was simplified in a way that it is applied into everyday situations that the audience engages into on a daily basis (e.g. requesting for an allowance increase, demanding for food they like on grocery times, etc).
Events or scenes that are very probable to have been undergone by children were also injected into the episodes and even used as a theme for the examples. Consequences or possibilities presented gave a moralistic value to something so scientific.
We like it! It was very easy to understand. Well, that is to young adults like us that are already in second year college. But we’ve been watching these educational programs when we were young. We may not have really avidly followed every single episode, but if we chance upon one, we finish it and learn something in the end. We say that it was easy to understand, rarely boring because of the effects and beautiful and fun to watch because of the animations and the plot of the story that was incorporated with the lesson.
Here are some reasons why we think that some teachers are encouraged to make use of the available educational TV programs: Realization of the lessons that are often stipulated on the boards or book. It is easier for the students to see the importance of learning or mastering the subject by seeing it applied into real life and the educational programs provides us that luxury.
New learning experience for the students. It helps when you do not limit the class discussion to chalkboard scribbles. It’s more appealing to the students to be able to see what they have read in their books and reading materials, also the things that you force down on their brains, come to life through real-life recorded, moving images. They have fun, too- prevents boredom.
Provokes creativity on the part of the students. When the students are exposed to the reality of what they see, they reflect on what is and imagine on what can be. Imagination and creativity are also needed to develop a well-rounded student, much more, a person.
Reflect on the morals in the episodes. Even though the unreliability of mass media is rampant these days, it does not hurt to have faith in it every once in a while, especially when the education of the Filipino youth is concerned. Yet, the fact that the youth of today are the audience of such media, we should take part in making sure that the episodes presented to them maintain a certain level of credibility and accuracy.
members : CATRE, Madel M. DICDICAN, Karen Kae F. JAYME, Emangel Paul A. MIGUEL, Jeffren P. PELIÑA, Jamille R.