Technical Writing DR. Hatem Elaydi Fall 2007 Electrical & Computer Engineering Islamic University of Gaza
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG2 Contents n Basic Page Layout. n Preliminary Pages. n Text Pages. n Back Mater.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG3 Basic Page Layout n Margins n Line Spacing n Line Spacing for Equations n Font Types n Font Size n Font Style n Page Number
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG4 Margins n Left 3.5cm n Top and right 2.5cm n Bottom 2.5cm
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG5 Line Spacing n Double space the text. n Single space: table/figure caption n Single or double space appendix materials and tables. n 1 1/2 line spacing is fine. n Allow additional space above and below the equation to separate it from the text.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG6 Font Types n Use proportional font -- Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, … -- must use at least 12-point font. n Fixed fonts -- Courier, … -- use 10 ( 10 character per inch).
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG7 Font Size n Text must be a minimum of 12-point. n Fonts 10-point not acceptable for body of report. n Fonts 8-,9-,or 10-point may be used for tables and appendix to accommodate the margins.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG8 Font Style n Any standard office font style is acceptable -- not script, italic, bold, characters with slant or different sizes. n Italic fonts may be used when appropriate. n Times Roman -- uses 13-point size. n Font size and style are the same for text and page number.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG9 Page Number n Pages should be numbered consecutively, with numbers located in the upper right, lower right, or lower middle of the page. n The Introduction should begin with 1. n Before Introduction, use Roman numerals.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG10 Preliminary Pages n Title page n Dedication page (optional) n Acknowledgment or Preface (optional) n Abstract n Table of Contents n List of Tables n List of Figures n List of Abbreviations
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG11 Title Page n 200 words and spaces - uppercase n Your name n Degree title - Course tile n Major Subject n University name, city, country n Date (month, year) n assign numeral i, but does not appear n no boldface
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG12 Dedication Page n Optional n Type the word DEDICATION n Insert two double spaced blank lines and begin the text-double spacing all lines.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG13 Acknowledgment Page n Optional n Type the word ACKNOWLEDGMENT n Insert two double spaced blank lines and begin the text-double spacing all lines. n Use the word PREFACE when research is discussed
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG14 Abstract n Type the word ABSTRACT n Double space all lines n Must have –statement of the problem –exposition of methods & procedures –summary of the finding n Length may not exceed 350 words.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG15 Table of Contents n Type TABLE OF CONTENTS n Begin with –List of Tables –List of Figures –List of Abbreviations –and so on n Don’t list any thing before the Table of Contents
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG16 n Include all chapter heads-upper case –Subheads as they appear in chapter. n There must be at least two subheads. n List Appendices next n The Bibliography
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG17 List of Tables (Figures, Abbreviations) n List each one on a separate page with each table followed by dots and page number at the right margin. n Double space between each caption but single space captions longer than one line. n Number all tables/figures consecutively
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG18 Text Pages n Introduction. n Materials and methods. n Results and discussion. n Conclusion. n Must be divided into chapters which could be sub divided and listed in the Table of Contents.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG19 n Use just boldface, just italic, or just underline any heading. n Single space all heading. n Each new chapter must start on a new page. n Avoid having a heading as the last line of text on a page.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG20 Introduction n First paragraph should capture reader’s attention. n Should include –Statement of the problem –Motivations –Complete description of the project. –Mentioning each part of the report
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG21 Materials & Methods n Literature Review. n Theoretical Derivations. –State your assumptions clearly. –Step-by-step derivation. –Figures may be necessary. n Summary of the approach taken. –Software simulation, hand calculation, design and implementation, programming, or analytical derivations.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG22 Results & Discussion n Software documentation. n Analysis of plots, charts and figures where each should be mentioned and discussed. n Explanation of the results –The punch line – How did it turn out? – Was it as expected?
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG23 –Did it turn out according to theory? –Were the results repeatable? –Do you understand the significant of the results? n The reader should know exactly what happened and why.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG24 Conclusion n Tie together any loose ends. n Summarize the whole report. n Should include –restatement of the problem –restatement of the goals –restatement of the approach taken –restatement of the results & their relevance –future works, extrapolation and possible applications for technology
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG25 Back Mater n Page numbers continue as arabic numerals n Appendix n Bibliography or References
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG26 Appendix n Labeled as Appendix A, Appendix B, so on. n Observe the margins and the page numbering. n Include materials that are too long and technical or unnecessary in the appendix.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG27 Bibliography n Single space all lines of each entry, but double space between entries. n Use numbered reference list. n At least three references should be given. n References include course notes, text books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and theses.
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG28 n Reference should include –author –title of work –title of journal or text –volume number –date –page number –publisher –publisher’s city
Dr. H. Elaydi, IEEE-Gaza, IUG29 Examples n Worsley D. and B. Mayer, The Art of Science Writing, New York, Teachers & Writers Collaborative, n Khotandzal A. and et al, “ Neural Networks--Generation Three,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol. 8, No. 4, July 1997.