Faculty and Staff
One-year MS/MEng Target # of students 85 Actual # of students available now, 6 expected for FA15 submission: Architectural Engineering, Real Estate Development, Building Envelope Systems, Biomedical Engineering, Nanoscience, Engineering Science
Blueprint for Global Preeminence GOALS: Show how much the College of Engineering contributes to Penn State and Show how we compare to other universities so we can make improvements to Present a five-year plan for growth of faculty, staff and facilities
Blueprint for Global Preeminence CONTENTS: Strategy Education and Research Thrusts Benchmarks Implementation Plan Faculty Composition Administration and Support Services Space and Infrastructure Financial Analysis
Faculty Hiring Summary DEPARTMENT OFFERSACCEPTED Acoustics 11 Biomedical Engineering 4 1 Chemical Engineering 1 1 Civil & Environmental Engineering 5 4 Computer Science and Engineering 5 2 Electrical Engineering 2 2 Engineering Science & Mechanics 3 3 Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering 4 2 Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering 11 8 School of Engineering Design & Technology & Professional Programs (SEDTAPP) 2 2 Frontier Faculty 3 2 Associate Deans
Entrance to Major Assessment PSU currently: C or better in select courses Minimum GPA ETM in 4th semester No guarantee; controls Many schools: ETM in freshman Some students know what they want Complications associated with change Ad hoc committee with EFC involvement Hybrid/LionPATH Some direct admits, others can come later if space Opportunity to enter the major early Rewards highly motivated students
Climate Survey Sorely needed community benchmarks Survey of all sub-communities Rankin and Associates assisting Survey Feb. 2016; report mid-summer All inclusive committee ENGAGE: Enhancing the Learning and Working Environment at Penn State Engineering
Project-based Learning Assessment Investigate the possibility of establishing a PSU model for PBL in large public universities Target enrollment of 30 students/year Cohort-based to build community Innovations over traditional curricula: Design across all 4 years Inquiry-based methods in lab courses Self-directed learning, including meta-cognition Develop ability to be innovative, entrepreneurial Pervasive integration of humanities
REU and BEU UP REU: 88 students (21 female, 67 male, 17 intl) since summer of 2014 Multi-Campus REU: Six-week summer program: 33 students, 6 campuses, 49 faculty members BEU Initiative from CoE to provide business training, enabling students to wrap business plans around their engineering project/product; support of Smeal Will be launched in summer of 2016 Inaugural cohort of up to 10 engineering students REU program established in 2014 to give undergraduate students research experience with a faculty member
Salary Adjustment Program Average Salary Increases for Faculty FY % FY % FY % College + $32,582 FY % Negotiated Extra: $140,000 College + $65,601 Central + $73,000 FY % Negotiated Extra: $137,000 College + $83,214 Central + $53,991
Salary Adjustment Program Average Salary Increases for Staff FY % FY % FY % FY % Negotiated Extra: $12,000 FY % Negotiated Extra: $30,000