10 Technologies I've used over the break.
An Automobile. I used an automobile for transport to get me back and fourth to places for example the gym. The future of automobiles are going to be a lot more safe with more innovated technologies in it and for a more affordable price.
-A cellphone I used a cellphone to communicate with my friends and family when I'm on the road or at work. For the future smartphones are going to be a lot more smarter because of the smartphone companies who make smartphones are competing with each other to make the best smartphone they can.
-Video game consoles such as the Xbox 360 and PS3. I used video game consoles to kill time over the break for days when I was bored and had nothing to do. The future of gaming is going to be a lot more dynamic and including your own body to play the game instead of just sitting on a couch and using a controller.
-The Internet. I use the internet for many useful things such as researching on different post secondary schools and also to watch shows on YouTube. For the future the internet will be used and seen everywhere you look since technology is coming up with something called the paper tab which is a tablet that’s flexible and thin as paper.
-My TV and TV remote. I use my TV to play Xbox and PS3 and to also watch movies and TV shows on Netflix. The future of TV’S and there remote are that there now going to be aloud to stream movies on the internet, have better resolution, and be a lot thinner than they already are. TV remotes have already become universal but in the future I don’t think there will be a remote control for TV’s, now everything will be voice recognition.
-Navigation Systems I used the navigation system on my phone to direct me to places to and around downtown during the new years eve. For the future navigation systems will be more advanced and much more smart. They will now show you the quickest and most fuel efficient routes to your destination and will be available in all new vehicles.
-Microwave I used the microwave to warm up and make my own food when I'm hungry. In the future the microwave will be a lot more advanced and hold bigger food items and also heat up quicker and be more energy efficient.
-My electric toothbrush I used my electric tooth brush to brush my teeth every morning and night. For the future toothbrushes will clean your teeth a lot quicker and more comfortably and also notify you if your teeth are clean or not.
-Weight lifting machines I used the weight lifting machines when I'm at the gym for a more accurate workout. For the future weight lifting machines will have a screen in front that will show you a demo of how to use the machine and to manage how many sets and reps you are doing.
-Automatic Soap Dispenser I used an automatic soap dispenser to wash my hands. For the future soap dispensers will be hands free and better soap.