1 Project Profile : Lifting of 20 tmc of water from foreshore of PJP and Ookachettivagu Project Pondage 2 Administrative Sanction : G. O. Ms. No. 166, I & CAD, Dt: for Rs Crores 3 No. of EPC Packages: 13 Nos. 4 Agt. Value of 13 Pkgs : Rs Crs. 5 Budget Provision for : Rs Crs. 6 Expenditure : Rs Crs. (Incl. Sangambanda BR) : Rs Crs. TOTAL:Rs Crs. 7 Utilisation : 20 TMC 8 AyacutNew Ayacut : 2,03,000 Acres Stabilization : 4,000 Acres RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA)
9 Lift-I Lift Height : 67 M No. of Pumps : 6 Nos. Total pumps capacity : 48 MW 10 Lift-II Lift Height : 61 M No. of Pumps : 6 Nos. Total pumps capacity : 48 MW 11 Total Power required : 96 MW RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA)
12 Land Acquisition Required : 21,641 acres Acquired : 8,278 acres Requisitioned : 13,000 acres 13 Est. Cost for LA : Rs. 120 Crs. 14 Est. Cost for R & R : Rs. 40 Crores 15 Mobilisation Advance : Paid Recovered : Crs : Crs Crs. Total : Rs Crs.Rs Crs. 16 Target date for completion : 9/2007 RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA)
PKG No. DescriptionAwarded Bid Amount Rs. in Crs. 13 Excavation of High level right main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from Sangambanda BR to feed ayacut of Acres. M/s. R.M.M. & BRC (JV) Excavation of High level left main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works etc. to feed an ayacut of 35,800 Ac. Under Sangambanda BR M/s. VPR-Cromandal (JV) Investigation, design, estimation and excavation of canal distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from Yenukunta BR, Waddewata (V), Kottakota (M), Mahabubnagar (D) to feed about 14,000 Acres upto Rangasamudram BR. M/s. Prathibha-Ch MR (JV) Excavation of canal distributary system – including constrction of CM & CD works from Ranga Samudram to feed an ayacut of 21,000 Acres M/s. RNS-GSR & CO (JV) Investigation, design, estimation and execution for converting the existing Rangasamudram tank, near Sri Rangapuram (V) Pebbair (M), Mahabubnagar district as balancing reservoir under Bhima Lift Irrigation Project (Lift-II) M/s. ALS-KVR (JV) Investigation, design, estimation and execution for convesting the existing Shankarasamudram tank, near Knaipally (V) Kothakota (M), Mahabubnagar district as balancing reservoir under Bhima Lift Irrigation Project (Lift-II) M/s. Sri Avanthi Saivenkata (JV) CATEGORY-II RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT)
Pkg No. DescriptionAwarded Bid Amount Rs. in Crs. 19 Shankara Samudram Balancing Reservoir Right Main canal. M/s. G.H. Reddy & Associate K.K.R & Co (JV) (i) Formation of Earth Dam with FRL +352m (ii) Construction of spillway, (iii) Construction of Head Regulator to let out into left and right main canals. Budpur Balancing Reservoir M/s. KNR-SLEC (JV) Investigation, Designs and excavation of left main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from budpur Balancing reservoir, Budpur (V), Atmakur (M), Mahabubnagar (D) to feed about 32,000 Acres M/s. S.V.E.C. Co., Investigation, Designs and excavation of right main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from budpur Balancing reservoir, Budpur (V), Atmakur (M), Mahabubnagar (D) to feed about 32,000 Acres M/s. S.V.E.C. Co., Investigation, Design, excavation of left main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from Sankarsamudam Balancing Reservoir. M/s. KNR Const. Ltd. & BPL (JV) OC LIFT-I : Design, manufacture, supplying & erection of pumps, motors, electro mechanical works, including tunnel, cistern and pump house etc. M/s. Patel Engg. Ltd OC Design and execution of Stage-I and stage-II pumping stations of LIFT-II at Thirumalayapalli & Kothakota (M), Mahabubnagar (D) on EPC basis. M/s. NEC-NCC- MAYTAS (JV) TOTAL CATEGORY-II RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT)
Package No. 13/Cat-II : E xcavation of High level right main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from Sangambanda BR to feed ayacut of Acres. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s R.M.M &BRC (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crs. Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Date of completion: Investigation completed: Completed Designs : 9.2 KM approved against 24 KM Execution (Main canal) : 15 KM length in progress against total length of 24.00KM Qty. of earth work done : 6.00Lakh Cum against Lakh Cum. Qty. of concrete work done: 500 cum against 3500 cum No. of Machinery : Deployed = 15Nos (Excavators =2 Nos.,Tipper-8Nos., T Roller- 2Nos., Dozers = 1 Nos., Water tank -1No.Crushing plant- 1No.) Land Acquisition: Required 1000 Acres, Requisition : 260 acres, Acquired – 81 acres Expenditure : Rs Crs. against Rs Crs., Mob. Adv. Paid: Rs Crs. Mob. Adv. Recovered : Rs Crs. Bottlenecks: Land Acquisition
Package No. 14/Cat-II : E xcavation of High level left main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works etc. to feed an ayacut of 35,800 Ac. Under Sangambanda BR, RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s VPR– Coromandal (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crs. Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Date of completion: Investigation: Completed ( KM) Designs: Main canal completed ( KM) Execution (main canal): KM length in progress against total length of KM Qty. of earth work done : 18 Lakh Cum against Lakh Cum. Qty. of concrete work done : 1500 cum No. of Machinery : Deployed = 29Nos (Excavators = 6 Nos., Dozers = 2 Nos, Tippers = 21Nos. etc) Expenditure : Rs Crs. against Rs Crs., Mob. Adv. Paid: Rs Crs. Mob. Adv. Recovered: Rs Crs. Land Acquisition: Required 1867 Acs, Requisition : 651 Acquired– Acres
Package No. 15/Cat-II : Investigation, design, estimation and excavation of canal distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from Yenukunta BR, Waddewata (V), Kottakota (M), Mahabubnagar (D) to feed about 14,000 Acres upto Rangasamudram BR. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s Prathibha – Ch MR- (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crs. Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Date of completion: Investigation : Completed (30.25 KM) Design: KM approved against KM Execution (main canal): 13 KM length in progress against total length of KM Qty. of earth work done : 5,70,000 Cum against 20,00,000 Cum No. of Machinery : Deployed = 28Ns (Excavators = 6 Nos., Tippers=20Nos, Leveller =2No.) Land Acquisition: Required 943 Acres, Requisition :407Acs. Acquired – Acs. Expenditure : Rs Crs. (Inc. Mob. Adv. Rs Crs.) against Rs Crs.
Package No. 16/Cat-II : Excavation of canal distributary system – including construction of CM & CD works from Ranga Samudram to feed an ayacut of 21,000 Acres. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s RNS-GSR & Co. (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crs Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Date of completion : Investigation (HPs): Length 58Kms finalised against 81Kms Execution: Excavation in 1.5 KM length in progress against total length of KM Qty. of earth work done : 10,000 Cum against 16,00,000 Cum No. of Machinery : Deployed = 15 Nos (JCB-1No.Excavators = 4 Nos, Tippers-2Nos, S.Crushers- 2Nos, Hard top jeep-4Nos) Expenditure : Rs. 3.54Crs. (Mob. Adv. Only) against Rs Crs. Land Acquisition: Required 1415 Acres, Requisition: Acres Acquired – Nil Bottle Necks: Land Acquisition
Package No. 17/Cat-II : Investigation, design, estimation and execution for converting the existing Rangasamudram tank, near Sri Rangapuram (V) Pebbair (M), Mahabubnagar district as balancing reservoir under Bhima Lift Irrigation Project (Lift-II) RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s A L S-KVR(JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Date of completion: Investigation: Completed Designs (Earth Bund & Weir) : 80% approved Execution: Started Qty. of earth work done : Cut off trench excavated for a length of 1.50 KM Expenditure : Rs Crs. (Mob. Adv. Only) against Rs Crs. Land Acquisition: Required Acres, Requi.: Acrs Acquired – Nil Bottle Necks: Land Acquisition
Package No. 18/Cat- : Investigation, design, estimation and execution for convesting the existing Shankarasamudram tank, near Knaipally (V) Kothakota (M), Mahabubnagar district as balancing reservoir under Bhima Lift Irrigation Project (Lift-II) RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s Sri Avanthika Saivenkata (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months(8 Mile Stones) Date of completion: Investigation : Completed (3.69 KM) Designs (Earth bund & Weir): 80% of designs approved. Execution: Yet to start (Water in the Tank & objections of Kanepally (V) for want of inclusion of village in R & R Package. Expenditure : Rs Crs. (Mob. Adv. only) against Rs Crs. Land Acquisition: Required 2220 Acres, Requisitioned: 1491Ac. Acquired – 1436 acres
Package No. 19/Cat-II : Shankara Samudram Balancing Reservoir Right Main canal. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s G. H. Reddy & Associates K.K.R & Co. (JV), Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (Milestones : 8) Investigation: Completed (39 KM) Designs (HPs & Structures) : approved Execution: 34 KM length in progress against total length of 39 KM Qty. of earth work done : 5.5 Lakh Cum against 6 Lakh Cum. Qty. of concrete work done: 2500 cum against 30,000 cum Structure: 25 Nos. executed against 110 Nos. Expenditure: Rs Crs. against 36.79Crores Mob. Adv. Paid: Rs Crs. Mob. Adv. Recovered : Rs Crs. Land Acquisition: Required 800 Acres, Requisitioned 459 Acs Acquired – 236 acres
Package No. 20/Cat- : (i) Formation of Earth Dam of Budpur with FRL +352m (ii) Construction of spillway, (iii) Construction of Head Regulator to let out into left and right main canals. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s KNR-SLEC (JV), Hyd. Agreement Amount : Rs Crs Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Investigation: Completed (6.10 KM) Designs: Approved Execution: Qty. of earth work 5.64 Lakh cum completed. Expenditure : Rs Crs. (Inc. Mob. Adv. Rs Crs.) against Rs Crs. Mob. Adv. Recovered : Rs Crs. Machinery deployed: Excavator-1No., Tippers-5No., Dozer-1No., Other M/C-7Nos. Land Acquisition: Required Acres, Requisitioned Acs Acquired – 358Acs.
Package No. 21/Cat-II : Investigation, Designs and excavation of left main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from budpur Balancing reservoir, Budpur (V), Atmakur (M), Mahabubnagar (D) to feed about 32,000 Acres RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s S.V.E.C Co., Hyd. Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (milestones) Investigation : completed (32 KM) Designs (HPs & Structures) : Length Km approved against Kms. Execution (Canal): KM length in progress against total length of KM Structures : 13 Nos. executed against 79 Nos. Machinery deployed: 10 Nos. (Tippers-4Nos, Poclains-4Nos, DRR-1No,Dozer-1No.) Land Acquisition: Required 1386 Acres, Requisitioned: 316Acs Acquired – 98 Acs. Expenditure : Rs Crs. (inc. mob. Adv. Rs Crs.) against Rs Crs. Bottle necks: Land acquisition – not handed over by Revenue authorities
Package No. 22/Cat- : Investigation, Designs and excavation of right main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from budpur Balancing reservoir, Budpur (V), Atmakur (M), Mahabubnagar (D) to feed about 32,000 Acres RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s S.V.E.C Co., Hyd. Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 24 Months (8 milestones) Investigation: Completed ( KM) Design (HPs): Approved Execution (Canal): KM length in progress against total length of KM Qty. of earth work done: 2.86 Lakh cum against 2.95 Lakh cum Qty. of concrete work done: 5200 cum Structures: 23 Nos. executed against 54 Nos. Expenditure : Rs Crs. (Inc. Mob. Adv. Rs Crs.) against Rs Crs. Mod. Adv. Recovered : Rs Crs. Machinery deployed: 13Nos. (Tippers-4Nos, Poclains-7Nos, DRR-1No,Dozer-1No.) Land Acquisition: Required 354 Acres, Requisitioned: 212Acres Acquired – 128 Acs. Bottlenecks: Land acquisition
Package No. OC (Pkg. 27): Investigation, Design, excavation of left main canal, distributary system including construction of CM & CD works from Sankarsamudam Balancing Reservoir. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s KNR Const. Ltd. & BPL (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crs. Agreement Date: 9/2005 INVESTIGATION and DESIGNS are in PROGRESS AGREEMENT DATE : 9/2005 Financial – Rs Crores (Mob. Adv. Only) against Rs Crores Land Acquisition: Required : 3,000 Acs. Requisitioned : Acs. Acquired: Nil
Package No. EPC / OC- : LIFT-I : Design, manufacture, supplying & erection of pumps, motors, electro mechanical works, including tunnel, cistern and pump house etc. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s Patel Engineering Ltd. Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 30 Months (10 milestones) Investigation:Completed ( KM) Designs (Tunnel, Pump House, Surge pool, Cistern) : 2.70 KM approved against Execution: Excavation in progress (approach channel, tunnel, surge pool & Pump house) Qty. of earth work done : 5.50 Lakh Cum against 7.82 Lakh Cum. No. of Machinery : Deployed = 8 Nos (Excavators = 6 Nos., Dozers = 2 Nos. etc) Land Acquisition: Required 250 Acres, Requisitioned 218Acs Acquired – 111 Acs. Expenditure : Rs Crs. against Rs Crs. (Mob. Adv paid – Rs Crs.) Mob Adv. Recovered : Rs Crs. Bottlenecks: Land Acquisition
Package No. EPC / OC- : Design and execution of Stage-I and stage-II pumping stations of lift-II at Thirumalayapalli & Kothakota (M), Mahabubnagar (D) on EPC basis. RAJIV LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (BHIMA PROJECT) Name of the Contractor: M/s NEC – NCC – MAYTAS (JV) Agreement Amount : Rs Crores Agreement Date: Period of Completion: 30 Months Investigation: Completed (3.132 Kms) Designs (Tunnel, Pump House, Surge pool, Cistern) : Approved Execution: Excavation 0.383Km in progress (approach channel, tunnel, surge pool & Pump house) Qty. of earth work done : 1,70,000 Cum against 5 Lakh Cum. No. of Machinery : Deployed = 18 Nos (Excavators = 4 Nos., Dumpers = 12 Nos., Dozers = 2 Nos. etc) Land Acquisition: Required 135 Acres, Requisitioned 67 Acs. Acquired – Nil Expenditure : Rs Crs. against Rs Crs. Mob. Adv. Paid: Rs Crores. Mob. Adv. Recovered: Rs Crores.