INTRODUCTION Sadly, when social problems increase, citizen involvement decreases. The purpose of social change leadership is to address and social problems. Social change leadership is a contemporary theory that calls for the development of citizen leaders who are committed to making the world a better place.
INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED) In this chapter we learn that we must be responsible for ourselves and also for those around us. Unlike older theories, social change leadership is practical and be applied to our lives.
INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED) Name of Theory or ModelDeveloper(s) Social change leadership theoryFort Hays State University (FHSU) Collaborative leadershipChrislip and Larson Social change model of leadership development University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) In this class we will learn about three different theories or models…
SOCIAL CHANGE LEADERSHIP Created by FHSU. The social change leadership theory focuses on the “what, how, and why” of leadership. There are three elements in the social change leadership theory: What: Creating Change How: Collaboration Why: Civic Leadership
SOCIAL CHANGE LEADERSHIP – CREATING CHANGE Leadership is about creating change. We must seek change with purpose and intentionality. Change must be transformational or fundamental (real). Change often requires long-term commitment. Creating change involves leadership that moves a community or society from “what is” to “what ought to be.”
SOCIAL CHANGE LEADERSHIP – COLLABORATION Collaboration is the way to initiate and sustain change. Collaboration can help bring people together for collective action. Three things characterize collaboration: Cooperation Power sharing Empowerment
SOCIAL CHANGE LEADERSHIP – CIVIC LEADERSHIP Civic Leadership is about creating changes that will result in improvements for society. People must believe in something bigger than themselves; they must go beyond their self interests. Each citizen has a responsibility to carry change forward.
COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP Older and more traditional methods of problem solving are not working. We must develop new collaborative efforts that bring people together to successfully address complex public issues (social problems). Chrislip and Larson believe that the key to effective leadership is working together. The underlying (most important) purpose of collaborative leadership is to make real and measurable change in the community. Chrislip and Larson created 10 keys to successful collaboration.
10 KEYS FOR SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATION Good timing and clear need. Strong stakeholder groups. Broad-based involvement. Credibility and openness of process. Commitment. Support or acquiescence of established authorities or powers. Overcoming mistrust and skepticism. Strong leadership in the process. Interim success. Shift to broader concerns.
THE BENEFITS OF COLLABORATION Achieve tangible results working together can bring better results; synergy Institutionalize effective problem solving-solving processes create models from successful problem solving Empower both leaders and followers motivate more people in the organization Change the way that leaders and followers solve public and organizational problems Information should be shared and all group members should be involved. Don’t hide information
MORE ABOUT COLLABORATION Collaboration has many advantages (benefits), but one disadvantage of collaboration is that it is not always a quick process or a fast way to get things done. The success of collaboration can be measured by change.
UCLA LEADERSHIP MODEL A Social Change Model of Leadership Development guidebook was published at UCLA in The UCLA model uses three levels of interaction: Individual level – focus on personal traits needed for social change Group level – focus on ability to collaborate Community/society level – focus on using leadership to address social concerns According to the UCLA model, it is possible for all individuals to become leaders that can a difference.
THE 7 C’s OF CHANGE The 7 C’sLevel of InteractionDescription (Meaning) 1Consciousness of selfIndividualKnow yourself: values, emotions, and attitudes 2CongruenceIndividualMotivation to pursue change with passion and energy 3CommitmentIndividualDedication and willingness to follow the path of change 4CollaborationGroupThe ability to work together to solve difficult problems 5Common purposeGroupGroup members share basic values and goals 6Controversy with civilityGroupDifferent opinions should be approached in open discussions 7CitizenshipCommunityIndividual and group actions purposefully serve the community
DIAGRAM OF THE UCLA LEADERSHIP MODEL Consciousness of self Congruence Commitment Collaboration Controversy with civility Common purpose Citizenship
SUMMARY Social change leadership is a contemporary approach to the study and practice of leadership. The Social change leadership theory is considered to be one of the most important and widely applied (used) leadership theories in the western world. It is becoming increasingly popular around the globe. Social change leadership calls for all individuals to be change agents to make the world a better place. We must each take our place as citizen leaders make our communities better!