What is the HPRP APR? The APR is a reporting tool used by HUD to track the progress and accomplishments of programs funded by the Department, inform the Department’s competitive process for homeless assistance funding, and report on program performance to the Congress and other Federal agencies.
HPRP APR The HPRP APR must be submitted online to HUD within 60 days of the last day of the operating year. Operating year end dates: September , 2011, HUD extended the deadline to January 7, 2010 for all grantees.
APR vs. QPR Why do we have to do an APR when we already complete QPRs regularly? Stimulus funding limelight Data Quality (make it count!) Informing future programs?
APR vs. QPR How is the APR going to be different from the QPR? Additional Info required (demographics and homeless-specific) Do we still have to do a QPR for this quarter? YES, with the SAME due date as the APR
APR vs. QPR The APR is annual and requires all HPRP data AND: New household types: without children, children + adults, children only [ALL CLIENTS] Universal data elements: i.e. name, full SSN, DOB, gender, race, ethnicity, prior residence, last permanent zip, Vet status, etc. [ALL CLIENTS] Client housing status at program exit [LEAVERS] Income amounts and sources [LEAVERS] Non-cash benefits [LEAVERS] Changes in income from program enrollment to program exit [LEAVERS]
How is reporting done? HUD is building a tool that will work with HMIS. (ETA next week?) Pathways is designing a “super export” of program data to import into reporting tool. DCA will compile info on all programs and submit to HUD online.
What do you have to do? 1. CLEAN DATA!... follow same guidelines for QPR prep + APR-specific actions. 2. DCA will provide step-by-step guide for data cleaning, office space and on-site guidance in early December. 3. Pathways will provide analysis for housing status at exit.
QPR Complete monthly data cleanings for October, November and December Run Q2A, Q2B, and Program monitoring export each month DCA will provide detailed guide and rely on you to complete
Timeline APR webinar 1 09/08/2010 APR webinar 2 11/18/2010 APR webinar 3 11/30/2010 Data cleaning at DCA 12/6/ pm and 12/8/2010 9am-12:30pm Submit final APR data 12/15/2010 QPR data entry deadline 12/17/2010 Submit final QPR data 12/21/2010