A new perspective on public acceptance of hydrogen: Which hydrogen future may citizens accept? NATIONAL HYDROGEN CONFERENCE 5-9 May 2010, Long Beach – California Olga Di Ruggero Alexander de Haan Faculty Technology, Policy and Management Delft University of Technology
Presentation outline Research issues Research methodology Expected results
Research Issues does accept who what why & ? Socio-technical system: production-storage-distribution-end use Numerous possible scenarios very different between them (part of) solution for different issues related to energy Acceptance depends on beliefs on what is the issue Good match between scenario and issue: (H ₂ from Fossil Fuels = less Pollution?)
The “why”: the policy arguments = line of reasoning that connects a description of the problem situation with an answer to the question of what, if anything, needs to be done. Policy arguments “If you see all this things that happen in the planet: climate change is happening and I am terrified We consume too much in general When I waste energy I feel guilty If people would produce energy on their own they will be more aware and more responsible in energy use I would like to have an off-grid house and if I could also refuel my car at home it would be perfect!” “ this thing of the climate change is getting too much importance. There are scientists saying that climate change is normal. We need energy for everything we do We cannot come back in time and consume less We should satisfy our need without completely disregard nature. We are more important than nature, it is like the survival of the fittest. I want to have the cheapest energy as possible People do not have money for green energy We should invest more in nuclear energy. A New society B Business as usual
Q- Methodology 1) The Q-methodology Systematic way to identify policy arguments. It combines qualitative and quantitative techniques. Preference order of the sentences reflects opinion Research Methodology
“what” hydrogen future? Descriptive drawings of 10 hydrogen scenarios ≠ Level of : centralization, H ₂ dominance, CO ₂ emissions, novelty SCENARIO BUILDING: PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES STORAGE & DISTRIBUTION END-USE APPLICATIONS METHODOLOGY: Single interviews Rank-order the drawings and explain your choice METHODOLOGY: Single interviews Rank-order the drawings and explain your choice
Expected results: why + what A B ?
State of the art: 40 sentences representing the flow of communication on: - Energy issues - Who is responsible to take an action - Kind of actions - Hydrogen technology in general 10 hydrogen scenarios Single interviews with a little simple of lay people and “experts” (actors having a direct interest with hydrogen) Q-methodology rank order the scenarios and explain why