Making us fit for the future… 1
Where do we spend our effort?
Where do we spend our money?
Strategic Thinking Groups From Corporate Plan Roles in…. Corporate Level Business Planning Corporate Plan Development Horizon Scanning Chaired by a Director
Developing our Wellbeing Objectives and Corporate Plan for Kick off internal dialog Workshop 5 Feb internal plus Board High level activities mapped to “Good for” groups Running through a series of exercises 1.What Wellbeing Goals do our high level activities contribute to ? Might look like this….
Prosperous Resilient Healthier More equal Cohesive communities Vibrant culture Globally responsible Incident ResponseXXX RecreationXX Education learning and skills X Issuing of grantsXX Managing our land and assets XX Providing adviceXXX RegulationXXXXX Sampling analysis and reporting X Science and research XX
2.How can we work better to maximise contribution to the goal/s? 3.What should our Wellbeing objective/s be ? 4.Actions – what are we going to do to achieve the objective ? In determining this consider: a.Our funding b.Service changes – changes we are making and changes we need to make c.Horizon scanning – future pressures – PESTLE analysis d.SD principles: long term, prevention, integration, collaboration, involvement Linked to costed activities so intention is to cost objectives Next Questions…
High level activity Wellbeing Goals How can we work better to max contribute to the goals Well Being Objectives Actions - Integration Collaboration Long Term Involvement Prevention Regulation (Permitting, Enforcement…) Prosperou s Wales More efficient processing of permits Regulate in an effective and efficient way to protect our environment while encouraging business to prosper or Support businesses to create prosperity and jobs, while using the environment and our natural resources in a responsible way by regulating an efficient and effective way Change way we issue permits Permitting and complianc e for waste and air quality contribute to LA objectives Collaborati ve working with operator and tie in with investment cycles Simpler regulation but still effective regulation will encourage long term responsibl e business behaviour Hold public sessions at sites with high public interest Regulation preventati ve in its very nature, focus on air quality will help prevention of long term health issues Resilient Wales Review what / where we permit so only doing those we 'must' do Use a risk based appraoch for monitoring Monitor sites on a risk based basis - on past performance and job permit is for Monitor effectiveness and wider benefits of civil sanctions on case by case basis Consider civil sanctions for those not adhering to permits on risk based basis
Jan – April – Internal Development of Wellbeing Objectives June – Sept – Public Engagement Timelines Sept/Oct – December – Drafting and Internal Approvals Jan 17 – March – WG Approvals and Publication
Service Changes – cross business integration funding p25-40% less over 3-4 years Corporate Planning Team Finance Human Resources Internal Comms External Comms Pre- election period Portfolio Programme and Project Management Engaging Staff Trade Union Involvement Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Workforce Planning
Area Statements Public Service Boards State of Natural Resources Report (SoNAR) Wellbeing Assessments Wellbeing Plans Wellbeing Objectives Wellbeing Goals Wellbeing Statement National Natural Resources Policy Wellbeing Indicators Local Authority Reform Reduced Funding %
Challenges Top down vs bottom up.. Public Service Boards – Wellbeing Plans Area Statements – local priorities and action on natural resources National Natural Resources Policy – National priorities How do we align and move resources and effort within this framework ? Need to change.. Business Planning Processes Corporate Planning Processes Local priorities and action and timetable is out of sync with our corporate plan so how to joining this up ? Corporate Plan – April 2017 Area Statements – between April 2017 and Dec 2019 Wellbeing Plans – from April 2018 PSB attendance and decision making level Our next Corporate Plan – due April 2017 so…. Still period of change and embedding – legislation and our service/ongoing business change Will need lots of flexibility