By: Ryan Helms
What makes tobacco addictive? Nicotine-is a nitrogen-containing chemical - an alkaloid. Nicotine is the addictive chemical in the cigarettes, nicotine is found in all tobacco. php
What does it do to your lungs? Smokers have trouble breathing because smoking damages the lungs. If you have asthma, you can have more frequent an more serious attacks. Tobacco can cause emphysema (lung disease) and lung cancer. g/tobaccotext.cfm
What does tobacco do to your brain? The nicotine goes quickly to the brain and makes you addicted to it. It makes you feel good when you are smoking, but it can make you anxious, nervous, moody, and depressed after you smoke.
What does it do to your mouth? Nicotine ruins your teeth it stains them, and rots them away. Nicotine also causes cancer of the mouth, it ruins your tonsils to.
How does it effect your heart? Nicotine effects the health of your heart. The harder you work the higher your heart rate goes. Much higher than before.
What about your skin? The nicotine stains your skin and turns it a yellow color. The smell also sticks in your skin.
Lastly your muscles. Nicotine decreases the flow of oxygen through your muscles. This will more than likely sub duct your muscle size.
How it hurts you. Nicotine not only hurts you physically. It hurts your wallet cause over time it is expensive. Nicotine decreases values of your houses and cars. It also makes you loose your voice.
Pictures of tobacco? What tobacco looks like.
Sources. g/tobaccotext.cfm php