Announcement Activity 2 due March 20 Activity 2 due March 20
Review from last class What are some musical innovations Beethoven made? What are some musical innovations Beethoven made? What is the Heiligenstadt Testament? What is the Heiligenstadt Testament? How is Beethoven’s Fifth unified? How is Beethoven’s Fifth unified?
Classical sacred music Not the most important type of music in this period, but some good examples of… Not the most important type of music in this period, but some good examples of… Mass Mass Oratorio Oratorio
Haydn’s Creation Listening guide 34 Listening guide 34 Haydn was a fan of Handel’s oratorios.. Haydn was a fan of Handel’s oratorios.. Heard them in London Heard them in London Modeled on Handel, but in a more modern, 18th-c. style Modeled on Handel, but in a more modern, 18th-c. style
Haydn’s Creation In English In English Characters who sing: Characters who sing: the archangels (Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel) the archangels (Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel) Adam and Eve Adam and Eve
Haydn’s Creation Opens with recitative (narration) Opens with recitative (narration) Opening depicts the earth being made out of chaos Opening depicts the earth being made out of chaos How could creation be depicted in music? How could creation be depicted in music? a long CRESCENDO in the orchestra a long CRESCENDO in the orchestra In text recitative ext painting in next recitative? In text recitative ext painting in next recitative?
Haydn’s Creation Chorus “The heavens are telling” Chorus “The heavens are telling” ABA form ABA form Alternation of textures... Alternation of textures... First homophonic chorus First homophonic chorus Trio of archangels Trio of archangels Repeat of chorus, more polyphonic Repeat of chorus, more polyphonic
Classical Opera Two types Two types 1. Opera seria (serious opera) 1. Opera seria (serious opera) 2. Comic opera 2. Comic opera These have very distinct styles of music These have very distinct styles of music
Opera seria serious subjects- legends, heros, ancient history and mythology serious subjects- legends, heros, ancient history and mythology Very formulaic series of events Very formulaic series of events
Comic opera down to earth subjects down to earth subjects acting is more fluid and realistic acting is more fluid and realistic Often deals with lower class characters Often deals with lower class characters national types … national types … ballad opera- English text ballad opera- English text Singspiel- German texts Singspiel- German texts opera buffa- Italian texts opera buffa- Italian texts
Mozart’s operas Include all types Include all types Most are in Italian (a few in German) Most are in Italian (a few in German) all with unsurpassed characterization in music all with unsurpassed characterization in music Different styles of music for different characters and events Different styles of music for different characters and events
Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro Italian comic opera (called opera buffa) Italian comic opera (called opera buffa) Play by Beaumarchais Play by Beaumarchais banned in France by Louis XVI and in Vienna, because of its … banned in France by Louis XVI and in Vienna, because of its … satire of the aristocracy -- servants outwit their masters satire of the aristocracy -- servants outwit their masters Allowed in Vienna when the Emperor saw Mozart’s version Allowed in Vienna when the Emperor saw Mozart’s version
Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro libretto (text) by Da Ponte (original play had to be shortened and translated into Italian) libretto (text) by Da Ponte (original play had to be shortened and translated into Italian) Fusion of comic and serious elements (countess is treated like a “seria” character-from the upper classes) Fusion of comic and serious elements (countess is treated like a “seria” character-from the upper classes) Ensembles -- advance drama (not just recitative) Ensembles -- advance drama (not just recitative)
Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro Count and Countess-- rulers of the house Count and Countess-- rulers of the house Figaro and Susanna - servants about to get married; the smarter characters in the opera Figaro and Susanna - servants about to get married; the smarter characters in the opera Cherubino- a teenager who flirts with everybody Cherubino- a teenager who flirts with everybody Basilio- a gossip who likes to cause trouble Basilio- a gossip who likes to cause trouble
Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro Count has a crush on Susanna … Count has a crush on Susanna … Even though she is Figaro’s fiance, the Count has the right to spent the night with her (because F. is his servant). Even though she is Figaro’s fiance, the Count has the right to spent the night with her (because F. is his servant). Cherubino has a crush on Susanna, AND on the Countess… WHY? … Cherubino has a crush on Susanna, AND on the Countess… WHY? … because they are women because they are women Earlier, the Count caught Cherubino hiding behind a chair: Cherubino had been flirting with another servant Earlier, the Count caught Cherubino hiding behind a chair: Cherubino had been flirting with another servant
Opera vocabulary review Recitative… Recitative… A speechlike style A speechlike style No regular rhythm No regular rhythm Moves action along Moves action along Aria… Aria… More lyrical More lyrical Regular rhythm Regular rhythm
Figaro: Scene 6-7, Act 1 Aria: by Cherubino- sings/flirts with Susanna Aria: by Cherubino- sings/flirts with Susanna expresses his irrepressible love for all women expresses his irrepressible love for all women Music is rhythmically urgent, capturing the spirit of his youthfulness. Music is rhythmically urgent, capturing the spirit of his youthfulness.
Recitative: Action I Enter Count-- to seduce Susanna Enter Count-- to seduce Susanna Cherubino hides under a chair Cherubino hides under a chair Enter Basilio -- to work for the Count to get Susanna to like him Enter Basilio -- to work for the Count to get Susanna to like him Count hides under the chair- AND Count hides under the chair- AND Cherubino slides to the front Cherubino slides to the front
Recitative: Action II Basilio - mentions that maybe Cherubino was Susana’s lover, not the Count Basilio - mentions that maybe Cherubino was Susana’s lover, not the Count Count gets MAD and comes out of hiding Count gets MAD and comes out of hiding Susanna pretends to faint Susanna pretends to faint
Ensemble (trio) Characters react differently to situation and… Characters react differently to situation and… They sing differently, but somehow harmoniously They sing differently, but somehow harmoniously Count is brought to level of servants because has to play their game Count is brought to level of servants because has to play their game
Ensemble (trio) Count, Sussana, Basilio sing together Count, Sussana, Basilio sing together Count describes how he caught Cherubino flirting with another servant by lifting up a cover behind a chair Count describes how he caught Cherubino flirting with another servant by lifting up a cover behind a chair He demonstrates this-- and finds Cherubino AGAIN He demonstrates this-- and finds Cherubino AGAIN
Ensemble (trio) Mozart added ACTION to the ensemble Mozart added ACTION to the ensemble The ensemble is in Sonata-allegro form The ensemble is in Sonata-allegro form Exposition with two themes Exposition with two themes Development (Cheubino gets caught) Development (Cheubino gets caught) Recapituation with the two themes in the tonic Recapituation with the two themes in the tonic
Sacred music in Class. period Not the most important genre… Not the most important genre… But a number of But a number of