Learning Quiz 1
1. Learning through association; a tendency to connect events that occur together in time and space is called----.
, a Russian Psychologist, started Classical Conditioning. Pavlov/Skinner/Thorndike/Huff
3. Ivan Pavlov conducted his first experiment with the intent on discovering classical condition. True/False
4. A______elicits a ________.
5. Pavlov’s experiment measured in dogs when presented meat and meat powder.
6. A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response is called Unconditioned Stimulus/ Unconditioned Response/ Neutral Stimulus/ Conditioned Response
7. The unlearned, naturally occurring response to the UCS. Unconditioned Stimulus/ Unconditioned Response/ Conditioned Response/ Neutral Stimulus
8. An unrelated stimulus that will become the conditioned stimulus. Unconditioned Stimulus/ Conditioned Stimulus/ Neutral Stimulus/ Conditioned Response
9. An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with the UCS, comes to trigger a response. Neutral Stimulus/ Unconditioned Stimulus/ Conditioned Stimulus/ Conditioned Response
10. The learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. Conditioned Stimulus/ Conditioned Response/ Unconditioned Stimulus/ Unconditioned Response
11. In Pavlov’s experiment the----was the neutral stimulus. Food/Salivation/Bell/Owner
12. In Pavlov’s experiment, was the unconditioned response. Food/Bell/Salivation/Owner
13. The first stage of learning is called----. Acquisition/ Extinction/ Spontaneous Recovery/ Conditioning
14. The diminishing of a conditioned response is called---. Acquisition/ Extinction/ Spontaneous Recovery/ Conditioning
15. The reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response after a rest period is called----. Acquisition/ Extinction/ Extinguishing/ Spontaneous Recovery
16. Type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment is called-----.
17. Continuous reinforcement reinforces a desired response/behavior every time it occurs. True/False
18. Partial reinforcement reinforces only part of the time. True/False
19. When Sheldon gives Penny a chocolate for a desired behavior he is employing---- Conditioning. Operant/Classical
20. When you hear the bell ring and you get up out of your seat to leave class or school what type of conditioning is being used? Operant/Classical