A relatively permanent change in behavior caused by experience. Classical Conditioning ▪ A type of learning in which a stimulus gains the power to cause a response. ▪ The stimulus predicts another stimulus that already produces that response ▪ Form of learning by association
Stimulus - anything in the environment that one can respond to. Response – any behavior or action. An unconditioned stimulus (UCS) automatically triggers a response An unconditioned response (UCR) is one that happens automatically as a result of the UCS
A Conditioned Stimulus (CS) is a previously neutral stimulus that, through learning, gains the power to cause a response. The CS must be a neutral stimulus before conditioning occurs. A Conditioned Response (CR) is the response to the conditioned stimulus and is usually the same behavior as the UCR.
Acquisition The process of developing a learned response. The subject learns a new response (CR) to a previously neutral stimulus (CS) Extinction In classical conditioning, the diminishing of a learned response after repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus alone. In classical conditioning, the continual presentation of the CS without the UCS
The reappearance of the conditioned response after a rest period or a period of lessened response. If the CS and UCS are no longer associated extinction will occur very rapidly after spontaneous recovery. This proves that extinction is not the same thing as unlearning.