Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 16th Edition Chapter 14
Key Concepts Major geologic processes Earthquakes and volcanoes Minerals, rocks, and the rock cycle Finding and extracting mineral resources Non-renewable mineral resources
Geologic Processes: Structure of the Earth Fig. 4-7 p. 60
Earth Structure animation
Features of the Crust and Upper Mantle Fig. 16-2 p. 333
Plate Tectonics Divergent boundary Convergent boundary Subduction zone Transform fault Refer to Fig. 16-3 p. 334 Fig. 16-5 p. 336
Spreading center Oceanic tectonic plate Oceanic tectonic plate Ocean trench Collision between two continents Plate movement Plate movement Tectonic plate Oceanic crust Oceanic crust Subduction zone Continental crust Continental crust Material cools as it reaches the outer mantle Cold dense material falls back through mantle Mantle convection cell Hot material rising through the mantle Two plates move towards each other. One is subducted back into the mantle on falling convection current. Mantle Hot outer core Inner core
Earth’s Major Tectonic Plates Fig. 16-4, p. 335
Oceanic ridge at a divergent plate boundary Lithosphere Asthenosphere Oceanic ridge at a divergent plate boundary
Trench Volcanic island arc Lithosphere Rising magma Asthenosphere Subduction zone Trench and volcanic island arc at a convergent plate boundary
Transform fault connecting two divergent plate boundaries Fracture zone Transform fault Lithosphere Asthenosphere Transform fault connecting two divergent plate boundaries
External Earth Processes Erosion Mechanical weathering Frost wedging Chemical weathering Biological weathering
Natural Hazards: Earthquakes Features Magnitude Aftershocks Primary effects Secondary effects Fig. 16-6 p. 337
Expected Earthquake Damage Canada United States No damage expected Minimal damage Moderate damage Severe damage Fig. 16-7 p. 337
Measuring earthquakes: Earthquake waves How earthquakes happen: Earthquake cause
Natural Hazards: Volcanic Eruptions extinct volcanoes magma reservoir central vent conduit Solid lithosphere Upwelling Partially molten asthenosphere Fig. 16-8 p. 338
Black smoker White smoker Sulfide deposit Magma Tube worms White crab White clam
Minerals and Rocks Mineral (diamond, quartz) Rock Types Igneous (granite, basalt) Sedimentary (limestone, sandstone) Metamorphic (marble, slate)
Rock Cycle Sedimentary Rock Heat, Pressure Heat, Igneous Rock Shale, Sandstone, Limestone Deposition Transport Erosion Rock Cycle Heat, Pressure Weathering Heat, Pressure Igneous Rock Granite, Pumice, Basalt Metamorphic Rock Slate, Quartzite, Marble Magma (Molten Rock) Fig. 16-9 p. 339
Erosion Weathering Heat, pressure Heat, pressure, stress Magma Melting Transportation Weathering Deposition Igneous Rock Granite, pumice, basalt Sedimentary Rock Shale, sandstone, limestone Heat, pressure Heat, pressure, stress Magma (molten rock) Melting Metamorphic Rock Slate, marble, quartzite
Nonrenewable Mineral Resources Metallic Non-metallic Energy resources Ores
Nonrenewable Mineral Resources: Categories Identified Undiscovered Reserves Other Fig. 16-10 p. 340
Finding Nonrenewable Mineral Resources Satellite and air imagery Radiation detectors Magnetometers Gravity differences Seismic surveys Chemical analyses
Extracting Nonrenewable Mineral Resources: Fig. 16-11 and 16-12 Open-pit (surface mining) Dredging (surface mining) Area strip (surface mining) Contour strip (surface mining) Room-and-pillar (subsurface mining) Longwall (subsurface mining)
Open Pit Mine
Contour Strip Mining
Area Strip Mining
Ventilation shaft Main shaft Lift cage Shaft Coal seams Pumps Underground Coal Mine
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Established 1977 Mine lands must be restored to pre-mining conditions Taxes on mining companies to restore pre-1977 sites Limited success
Extra credit assignment: Read, summarize and comment on: Mining companies make fortunes off of public land
Environmental Effects of Mining Mineral Resources Disruption of land surface Subsidence Erosion of solid mining waste Acid mine drainage Air pollution Storage and leakage of liquid mining waste
Environmental Effects of Mining Mineral Resources Fig. 16-14 p. 344
More Environmental Impacts of Nonrenewable Mineral Resources Surface mining Subsurface mining Overburden Room and pillar Spoil Longwall Open-pit Dredging Refer to Figs. 15-4 and 15-5, p. 341 and 342 Strip mining
Processing Mineral Resources Ore mineral Gangue Tailings Smelting Refer to Fig. 16-15 p. 344
Supplies of Mineral Resources Economic depletion Depletion time Foreign sources Environmental concerns Economics New technologies Mining the ocean Finding substitutes Fig. 16-16 p. 346
Scattered in environment Smelting Separation of ore from gangue Melting metal Conversion to product Metal ore Recycling Surface mining Discarding of product Scattered in environment