HALITE By: Eli Moore And Janiqua Mosley
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES A salt like substance, rough but can be smooth. White when pure. Cannot be scratched with a fingernail.
MINERAL CLASS M3m(4/m 3.2lm) (can be found in a lake in a dissolved substance) Halogenates: halite sylvatic group
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Found in dried lakebeds in arid climates and is used as tablesalt.
LUSTER Vitreous, transparent or translucent.
STREAK White or crystal clear.
HARDNESS Scale size 2cm
COLOR It can be colorless, whitish, yellow, red, purple or blue. Usually clear or white.
CLEAVAGE C= perfect on 1001 F= conchoidal Perfect cubic, fracture uneven.
USE Halite is used for toothpaste, making acids, chlorine, and in food seasoning.