Near-Term Mars Colonization -A DevelopSpace Project- June 15 th, 2008
Mars Results
Mars Results Continued
Mars Solar Surface Power Issues to be resolved – RFC performance may be significantly reduced compared to our assumptions 300 Wh/kg or less Could possibly be enhanced by generating oxygen for RFC in-situ (~ 25% of RFC mass) – Effect of wind speed on roll-out arrays Would they be blown away? – Degradation, dust removal – Robotic deployment
Mars Surface Infrastructure (1) DRM 1.0: infrastructure after 1 st opportunity
Mars Surface Infrastructure (2) DRM 1.0: infrastructure after 2 nd opportunity
Mars Surface Infrastructure (3) DRM 1.0: infrastructure after 3 rd opportunity
Mars Surface Infrastructure (4) DRM 1.0: hab or lab module final landing
Mars Surface Infrastructure (5) DRM 1.0: mobile hab and lab modules connected
Mars Surface Infrastructure (6) DRM 3.0: hab-module with inflatable extension
Mars Surface Infrastructure (7) Hab module for dual landers DRM
Mars Surface Infrastructure (8) DRM 1.0:MAV under-slung cargo delivery and deployment
Mars Surface Infrastructure (9)
Mass allocations for Mars Direct components on surface of Mars ERV componentsmTHabitat componentsmT ERV cabin structure3Habitat structure5 Life Support System1 3 consumables3.4Consumables7 Solar Arrays (5 kW)1 1 Reaction Control System0.5Reaction Control System0.5 Communications and Information Management0.1Communications and Information Management0.2 Furniture and Interior0.5Furniture and Interior1 Space Suits (4)0.4Space Suits (4)0.4 Spares and Margin (16%)1.6Spares and margin (16%)3.5 Aeroshell (for Earth Return)1.8Pressurized Rover1.4 Rover0.5Open Rovers (2)0.8 Hydrogen Feedstock6.3Lab Equipment0.5 ERV Propulsion stages4.5Field Science Equipment0.5 Propellant Production Plant0.5Crew0.4 Nuclear reactor (100 kW)3.5 Total Mass
Mass Budget for Habitat-1 Mars DirectDRM-3MSMExplanation for MSM figures Habitat Module Structure Scaled from DRM-3 Furniture and Interior101.5 Life Support System NASA model for crew of six Comm/Info DRM-3 Hydrogen and Hab ISRU0.400 Health Care1.300 Thermal DRM-3 Scaled Crew accommodation Spares and Margin3.500Included in individual listings Science100 Crew Surface power (reactor)01.75At least 25 kWe needed Power Distribution00.3 DRM-3 Scaled EVA Suits0.411DRM-3 Open Rovers Mass budgeted with surface power Pressurized Rover1.400 Consumables % closed H20/02 + food (=0.630 kg/per/day for 600 days) EVA Consumables02.30Produced by ISRU on MAV and Hab Descent fuel cell131.3 Reaction Control System0.50 Mars Direct Total Landed Total of Above
Mars Wish List
Transportation Automated Mars landing and hazard avoidance navigation systems Mars in-situ propellant production friendly rocket combustion / performance characterization (C2H4/LOX; CH4/LOX); more important if people want to come back Large-scale (20mt+) Mars aero-entry (and EDL more generally) technology Low mass, cost, power and ideally autonomous deep-space (out to at least ~2 AU) navigation systems (software, hardware)
Power Automated, large scale (football field+) solar array transport, surface deployment, and maintenance systems High energy density electrical power storages systems (aiming in particular towards high energy density relative to Earth imported mass) Mars surface internal combustion engines (LOX, plus various fuels, e.g., C2H4, CH4, CO, etc), possibly with water exhaust reclamation.
Life Support, Logistics, ISRU Mars atmosphere collection systems (at minimum CO2; adding N2 and Ar is useful; H2O depends on energy/mass intensity relative to other options) Mars permafrost mining systems (for varying wt% H2O); note, this is much easier than mining putative lunar ice Good, high capacity Mars surface cryocoolers (options for just soft/medium cryogens (e.g., LOX, CH4, C2H4), or also for hard cryogen (LH2)) Earth-Mars hydrogen transport systems (not necessarily as LH2) Basic ISRU chemical processing systems (e.g., H2O electrolysis, Sabatier, RWGS, CO2 electrolysis, ethylene production, etc.) High closure physical-chemical life support systems (e.g., air revitalization, water recycling) "Food system" for food supplied from Earth. Consider being able to survive on food shipped 5 years ago. Mars surface food production systems Simple in-situ manufacturing systems (e.g., for spare parts) Simple raw materials production (e.g., plastics such polyethylene, epoxies, ceramics, etc.)
Outpost Ops and Surface Exploration Mars surface communication and navigation systems (e.g., for rovers), sans extensive satellite constellation Very high data rate Mars-Earth back-haul comm system Good Mars surface EVA suits Data collection, analysis in support of landing site / outpost location selection Very long distance surface mobility systems (including with people) Solar flare / SPE warning systems