Unrhymed Poetry Unit Miss Oberlander
Diamante is an Italian word that means “diamond.” Diamante poems are in the shape of a diamond when complete. About opposites
Line 1: noun as a subject Line 2: 2 adjectives about the subject Line 3: 3 –ing words about the subject Line 4: 2 nouns about the subject + 2 nouns about the opposite Line 5: 3-ing words about the opposite Line 6: 2 adjectives about the opposite Line 7: noun as the opposite
Dessert Yummy, treats Satisfying, mouth-watering, topping Ice-cream, chocolatebeans, asparagus Ice-cream, chocolate, beans, asparagus Disgusting, forcing, gagging Green, crunchy Vegetables
Winter Frostbitten, cold Freezing, snowing, melting Frosty, Santa, sweat, pool Sizzling, burning, scorching Hot, bright Summer
City Noisy, busy Showing, advertising, shopping New York, Chicago, farms, barns Cropping, planting, feeding Smelly, dirty Countryside
Peppers Spicy, hot Burning, blackening, killing Spice, burn, freeze, frost Freezing, amazing, loving Cold, sweet Ice cream