Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church Lesson 3: (Acts 5:1 – 7:60)
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Conflict with the sinful Ananias & Sapphira (5:1-16) –This couple was guilty of “egotism.” “Satan filled” their hearts (4:36-5:4) with his “pride of life” (cf. 1 John 2:16) They “agreed together” to deceive (5:9) –This couple was guilty of “materialism.” Decided to “keep back part of the price” (5:3) –This couple may have been guilty of “deism.” They attempted “to test the Holy Spirit” (5:3-9) –The discipline & death of this couple only served to unite & ignite the further growth of the church (5:11-14).
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Applying It to Me –How do we work with Christians who choose to sin? A&S made a decision to steal & deceive. They would not repent of their decision. Their rebellious spirit sought to “test” God. Today, the rebellious & impenitent must be dealt with and disciplined/“punished”: –“taken/put away” from our fellowship (1 Cor. 5:2, 13) –“delivered to Satan” (1 Cor. 5:5) –removed from our company (1 Cor. 5:9-11) –intent: to “save” (1 Cor. 5:5) & “shame” (2 Th. 3:14) –A “punishment” (2 Co. 2:4-9) in His name (1 Cor. 5:4)
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Conflict with the sinful Ananias & Sapphira (5:1-16) Conflict with the demanding Sanhedrin (5:17-42) –Sanhedrin (the Jewish Council) was composed of Sadducees, Pharisees and priests. –Filled with indignation (5:17), the Sanhedrin: imprisoned the apostles (5:18) “strictly commanded” them not to talk about Jesus (5:28) initially “plotted to kill” the apostles (5:17, 33) then, “beat” the apostles (5:40) –This mistreatment only served to unite & strengthen the resolve of the church (5:42).
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Applying It to Me –How do we work with those who are demanding & difficult? The Sanhedrin: (a) “interrogated” the apostles (5:27); (b) “isolated” them (5:28); (c) “repudiated” them (5:36-40); (d) “intimidated” them with a beating (5:41). We have those today who do the same. –Obey God rather than man (5:29). –Rejoice in the opportunity to suffer (5:41). –Ignore their empty words and carry on with the evangelistic purpose God has given us (5:42).
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Conflict with the sinful Ananias & Sapphira (5:1-16) Conflict with the demanding Sanhedrin (5:17-42) Conflict with the neglected Hellenist Jews (6:1-7) –Jews born outside of Palestine waged a complaint against Jews born in Palestine—widows neglected –Hellenists to select 7 men—known for their “good reputation,” H.S.-directed lives & their “wisdom” –This solution united the church: (Gk. imperfect tense) The Word of God continued to “spread” (6:7; cf. 9:31) Number of disciples continued to be “multiplied” (6:7) Great many priests “were obedient” (6:7) –Unity was preserved & the church grew!
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Applying It to Me –How do we work through conflicts that arise within our congregations? The apostles listened to the Hellenists (6:1-3) The apostles delegated the minutia (6:3) The apostles involved the complainers (6:3) The apostles gave direction & accepted their decisions per those directions (6:3-6) The apostles carried on with their God-given responsibilities (6:6-7)
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Conflict with the sinful Ananias & Sapphira (5:1-16) Conflict with the demanding Sanhedrin (5:17-42) Conflict with the neglected Hellenist Jews (6:1-7) Conflict with a synagogue of critics (6:8-7:60) –“there arose some…disputing with Stephen” (6:9) “secretly induced men to” lie about Stephen (6:11) “stirred up” a mob (6:12) falsely charged Stephen with blasphemy (6:13-14) After Stephen’s comprehensive reply, they were furious (7:54) – they gritted their teeth, wailed out loud, stopped up their ears, dragged him out of city, and, without authority (Jn. 18:31), executed him (7:54-60). –Even with a great persecution, the church remained united (8:1-4) and continued to grow (cf. 9:31)
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Applying It to Me –How are we to respond to those who are incessantly critical? Like Stephen, we need to use the Bible in responding to those who criticize our beliefs. He substantiated the message he preached by surveying the “Patriarchal Age” & introducing Jesus as the “Prophet” promised by God (7:1- 37). Then, we need to adequately defend our integrity when criticism threatens our message. With David, let us walk “in integrity of heart and uprightness” (1 Kings 9:4).
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Applying It to Me –How are we to respond to those who are incessantly critical? Defend our integrity (a threat to our message): –Accused of speaking against Moses, he pointed them to their fathers who rejected Moses (7:36-40). –Accused of speaking against God, he pointed to their fathers whom God rejected (7:41-43). –Accused of speaking against the temple, he pointed to time when their fathers worshiped without a temple (7:44-50). –Accused of speaking against the law, he reminded them of Jesus’ crucifixion to prove that they were the disobedient ones (7:51-53)
Conflict Resolution Unites His Glorious Church (Acts 5:1 – 7:60) Applying It to Me –“Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you” (2 Cor. 13:11).