Programs with a High Intensity Proton Source “Introduction” Young-Kee Kim P5 Meeting at Fermilab January 31, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Programs with a High Intensity Proton Source “Introduction” Young-Kee Kim P5 Meeting at Fermilab January 31, 2008

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 2 Programs with a High Intensity Proton Source 3:30 – 4:00 Introduction –Young-Kee Kim (25’ + 5’) 4:00 – 5:20 Physics and Experiments with Project X –Physics – Andre de Gouvea (15’ + 5’) –Neutrinos : Oscillation Experiments – Bonnie Fleming (15’ + 5’) –Muons: Mu-to-e Conversion & g-2 Experiments – Bill Molzon (15’ + 5’) –Kaons: Rare Kaon Decays Experiments – Doug Bryman (15’ + 5’) 5:20 – 6:20 Project X Accelerator and R&D Plan –Steve Holmes (40’ + 20’) 6:20 – 6:30 Closing Remarks –Young-Kee Kim (5’ + 5’)

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 3 Fermilab Steering Group (SG) Formation of the Group –Pier Oddone formed the Steering Group to develop a roadmap for the accelerator based HEP program at Fermilab - Mar. 22, 2007 Report –Internal Report to Pier Oddone- Aug. 7, 2007 –Final Report- Sep. 18, 2007 –Presentation to P5- Sep. 24, 2007 –Presentation to HEPAP- Nov. 29, 2007 Public Website –

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 4 Engaging HEP Community in the SG Process Physics groups –Neutrino Science –Precision Physics For all SG activities, included –Physics group members –ILC GDE leaders –DOE, NSF Representatives –HEPAP Chair / Deputy Chair –P5 Chair –Chairs of Fermilab/SLAC Users Executive committees Reach out for input / ideas –DPF & DPB members –Meetings with FNAL staff –Meetings with HEP collaborations –Talks at Users meetings / Town- Hall meeting at FNAL, SLAC –Presentations at ANL, BNL, LBNL Received 17++ proposals Communication to the community about the Report –A number of presentations in US and abroad 2 nd face-to-face meeting at Fermilab, July 9-10, 2007

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 5 Project X Accelerator Physics and Technology Workshop Nov , participants from 25 institutions and 4 nations To discuss accelerator physics and technology issues of Project X To explore possible areas of overlap and interest between various particle accelerator laboratories and universities Prepared Document for Accelerator R&D Plan

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 6 1 st Workshop on Physics with a High Intensity Proton Source Nov , 2007 Organized by Fermilab Users and Fermilab >200 participants from 78 institutions and 8 nations The Big Questions The Big Questions addressed by Intensity Frontier Energy Frontier – Intensity Frontier Connection Intense Proton Facilities in the world Discussion of Possible Experiments (concepts)

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 7 2 nd Workshop on Physics with a High Intensity Proton Source Jan , 2008 Organized by Fermilab Users and Fermilab >200 participants from 64 institutions Discussed details of possible experiments, their physics impact. Started developing experimental strategies.

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 8 Working with Working Groups Working GroupsLeaders Neutrinos *Bonnie Fleming (Yale) Ed Kearns (Boston) Muons * Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern) * William Molzon (UC Irvine) Kaons * Doug Bryman (Univ. British Columbia) Taku Yamanaka (Osaka Univ.) Antiprotons Dan Kaplan (IIT) Klaus Peters (GSI) * Today’s Speakers Preparing Golden Book for Physics and Experiments (still Draft)

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 9 The Steering Group Proposed “Project X”, High Intensity Proton Facility, if ILC timeline is stretched significantly –Enabling world-leading HEP programs –Aligning with ILC technologies for a shared development effort –Advancing energy frontier accelerator technology beyond the LHC and the ILC

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 10 Tools for Particle Physics Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Non- accelerator based pp-bar pp e + e -  +  - Telescopes; Underground experiments; ….. Intense proton source for, , K, p beams; B, C factories _ Project X for Physics of Flavor

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 11 Physics of Flavor In the SM, flavor is what deals with the fermion sector –Family replicas –Mass spectra –Mixings –Flavor phenomena have significantly contributed to shaping modern particle physics. Beyond the SM, flavor phenomena cover a wide landscape. –FCNC: various SUSY models / parameters –New flavors: new generations, exotic partners –CP Violation can reside in gauge/Higgs couplings

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 12 Charged Leptons and Quarks Connection to LHC and Beyond –Complements New Physics searches at LHC Terascale LHC discovery will raise flavor and unification questions most likely not accessible at LHC –Extends New Physics searches beyond LHC Connection to EWSB –Flavor is intimately related to EWSB: No EWSB  fermions degenerate  no visible flavor effect –In most EWSB models, flavor plays a key role. e.g: Technicolor (FCNC), Supersymmetry (top mass), Extra-dimension (fermionic mass spectrum), Little Higgs (top partners), …

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 13 The Gauge Sector Higgs EWSB The Flavor Sector Mixings, Masses, CPV, FCNC, LFV, … Energy Frontier Facility Intensity Frontier Facility Neutrinos Charged Leptons Quarks Connection

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 14 Physics of Flavor Flavor phenomena –Essential to shaping physics beyond the SM. SM is incomplete: –Empirical proof Neutrino Masses Dark Matter Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe –At least two are directly related to flavor.

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 15 Neutrino Masses Neutrinos: –produced much excitement. –the only new physics seen so far in the lab. –provide direct access to new physics: Unification: –The existence of masses and mixings implies breaking of a symmetry ( flavor) points toward new symmetries (unification) and new breaking of symmetries (charged lepton flavor violation and lepton CP violation) –Supersymmetry + see-saw mechanism implies CLFV. –Supersymmetry + see-saw + CLFV would reveal key aspects of the unified origins of matter. Cosmology: –Extra CP violation in the neutrino sector

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 16 Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe Possible scenarios –Electroweak baryogenesis will be tested at LHC and ILC. –Leptogenesis (lepton-driven baryon asymmetry) is strongly suggested by the same ideas that link neutrinos to unification.

“World-Leading Neutrino Program” Neutrino Vision at Fermilab By developing a phased approach with ever increasing beam intensities and ever increasing detector capabilities Neutrino Mixing, Mass Ordering, CP Violation

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 18 Booster Accumulator Debuncher Recycler Main Injector Tevatron MiniBooNE SciBooNE MINOS (200 kW, 120 GeV) Present: World-leading neutrino program MINOS: best measurement of  m 2 23 provide an early glimpse on  13 MiniBooNE, SciBooNE: probe neutrino parameters measure neutrino x-sections

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 19 Booster Recycler Main Injector Phase 1: MINOS MINERvA NOvA (700 kW, 120 GeV) NOvA: provide the first glimpse of the mass hierarchy for large  13 - the only near term probe of hierarchy in the world excellent sensitivity to  13 MINERvA: measure neutrino x-sections (above 1 GeV) to high precision World-leading neutrino program

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 20 Booster Recycler Main Injector Phase 1.5: neutrinos From Booster NOvA LAr 5 kton at Soudan (700 kW, 120 GeV) World-leading neutrino program LAr 5 kton: if small scale R&D / experiments are successful. NOvA + LAr 5 kton: enhancing the NOvA sensitivity enabling a new detector technology

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 21 Recycler Main Injector Project X Linac Phase 2: NOvA LAr 5 kton at Soudan (2.3 MW, 120 GeV) World-leading neutrino program NOvA w/ Project X or NOvA + LAr 5 kton w/ Project X: enhancing sensitivity even further Project X Beam Power (kW)

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 22 Recycler Main Injector Project X Linac Phase 3 DUSEL (WC or/and LAr) (>2 MW, 50 – 120 GeV) ( Detector = Proton Decay Detector) World-leading neutrino program (World-leading proton decay program) Project X beam to DUSEL: enhancing the sensitivity markedly Project X Beam Power (kW)

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 23 Phased Approach in Neutrino Oscillations sin 2 2  13 Mass Ordering CP Violation Phase

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 24 Project X Linac Upgrade 4 GeV Factory 2 MW Target DUSEL Toward “Proton Intensity Upgrade” Evolutionary Path to “Neutrino Factory” Neutrino Beam to DUSEL

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 25 Muon Collider detector  Evolutionary Path to “     Collider”

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 26 NuMI (NOvA) 8 GeV ILC-like Linac Project X = 8 GeV ILC-like Linac + Recycler + Main Injector + Main Injector Main Injector: 2.3 MW (120 GeV) for neutrinos Recycler: 200 kW (8 GeV) for kaons, muons, … High Intensity Proton Accelerator – Project X National Project with International Collaboration DUSEL

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 27 Tevatron Accelerator Test Facility High Intensity Proton Accelerator – Project X Alignment with ILC Technologies for a shared development effort ILC R&D and SCRF Infrastructure at Fermilab

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 28 Main Injector Protons NuMI (NOvA) SNuMI NuMI (MINOS) Available 8 GeV Protons with 120GeV MI protons Power and Flexibility 200 kW (Project X) 0* (SNuMI) 16 kW (NuMI-NOvA) 17 kW (NuMI-MINOS) 35-year-old injection (technical risk) * Protons could be made available at the expense of 120 GeV power. Possible path w/ MI upgrade Project X: Proton Beam Power

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 29 NuMI (NOvA) 8 GeV ILC-like Linac Project X = 8 GeV ILC-like Linac + Recycler + Main Injector + Main Injector National Project with International Collaboration DUSEL high duty factor, high availability, good beam structure Stretcher Possibilities (need R&D): Accumulator / Debuncher Recycler Tevatron (Machine-Experiment Interfaces WG) High Intensity Proton Accelerator – Project X Main Injector: 2.3 MW (120 GeV) for neutrinos Recycler: 200 kW (8 GeV) for kaons, muons, …

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 30 Comparison to Other Facilities Neutrinos (by the end of the next decade) –Beam power: JPARC upgrade plan: 1~2 MW class facility with 50 GeV protons Project X: 2 MW for 50 – 120 GeV protons Kaons and muons –Beam power, duty factor, beam availability, ease of implementing necessary RF beam structures Project X: An order of magnitude higher sensitivity than other facilities Antiprotons –An order of magnitude higher than the GSI’s intensity goal (online late in the next decade) Tevatron Fixed-target Experiments –World’s highest energy beams

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 31 Kaons: Rare Decays 2-3T Range Stack Golden Modes: K L   K +   + Doug Bryman’s Talk Low mass tracker

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 32 Muons:   e Conversion and g-2 Momentum Spin e   e conversion detector Bill Molzon’s Talk g-2

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 33 Precision Electroweak Neutrino Measurements NuSOnG: high energy protons from Tevatron CHARM II-like detector HiResM : parasitic use of superbeam to DUSEL NOMAD-like detector

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 34 Charm: Mixing and CPV Program at Tevatron Large D 0 mixing (~1%) now observed at BaBar, Belle & CDF Exciting prospects for new physics sensitivity Current Measurements uncertainties for 3-4 yr run

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 35 Physics with antiprotons A medium-scale spectrometer at a variety of beam momenta for –Charmonium –Charm –Hyperon CP violation New Physics QCD, … Smaller experiments for CPT and antimatter gravity –Using trapped antiprotons or antihydrogen trapped or in-flight

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 36 Rich and Compelling Program! Enthusiasm from the community! Schedule per Experimenter Hopes

Overall Experimental Strategies & Priorities being developed Need to understand stretcher capabilities for kaon and muon programs

Centerpiece: Project X Accelerator R&D Plan Stephen Holmes’s Talk

Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 39 Programs with a High Intensity Proton Source 3:30 – 4:00 Introduction –Young-Kee Kim (25’ + 5’) 4:00 – 5:20 Physics and Experiments with Project X –Physics – Andre de Gouvea (15’ + 5’) –Neutrinos : Oscillation Experiments – Bonnie Fleming (15’ + 5’) –Muons: Mu-to-e Conversion & g-2 Experiments – Bill Molzon (15’ + 5’) –Kaons: Rare Kaon Decays Experiments – Doug Bryman (15’ + 5’) 5:20 – 6:20 Project X Accelerator and R&D Plan –Steve Holmes (40’ + 20’) 6:20 – 6:30 Closing Remarks –Young-Kee Kim (5’ + 5’)


Young-Kee Kim Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2008; P5 Meeting at Fermilab Slide 41 LHC including Upgrades, Particle Astrophysics (including Dark Matter and Dark Energy) ILC R&D, EDR, Engineering, Decision, Industrialization, Construction, Running Proj. X R&D ILC cavities & Cryomodules, Overall Design SNuMI small  13 NOvA (0.7 MW) (1.2 MW) large  13 Project X +2 yrs baseline +5 yrs ILC NOvA Phase II (2.3 MW) NOvA Phase II + Upgrades? Longer Baseline Large Detector (Proton Decay) tiny  sin 2 2  ~ Precision Phase I Precision Phase II Sketch of Integrated Plan (Sept. 18, 2007) Muon collider R&D for future energy frontier colliders Longer Baseline + Factory 4D  cooling + … works 6D  cooling + … works extremely tiny  13